Desert Crossing, Prod#ST:ENT 124
Synopsis: When Archer and Trip are invited to a desert-like planet by an alien leader after they help fix his ship, they discover he is a terrorist who has lured them onto his planet under false pretenses. Meanwhile, T'Pol, while in command, faces a tough decision when she cannot locate Archer and Trip in the desert.
MJC Review:
The Drama -
OO-wee! Those desert scenes really mad me feel hot, as well. It reminds me of some nice, crispy, sizzling August summers in West Texas. By the way, Trip was right - only travel at night. Once again, we find Archer helping those in need. Only this time,
he was helping terrorist. Well, not really, but according to the "government", they
were. Archer can't help but want to assist in any way he can. The Suliban he
had freed in Detained certainly have given him a warrior hero status amongst oppressed people in the sector. That certainly doesn't help Archer's situation.
It has become clear that how to "interfere" in other cultures will become a bigger
issue in future adventures. It looks like Archer is going to have to come up with some sort of basic Prime Directive
protocol if he is to continue his exploration. The desert crossing scenes with trip and Archer showed some good character interaction. Cleary, Trip does NOT like the desert! What was missing in the night time desert scenes were all the nocturnal critters that come out. Now
that would have freaked out Trip. He just might have done some Hoshi screaming. There were some similarities with this episode and Detained, but not so much so that it was just another remake. I think that this and Detained should have been aired more widely apart rather than so recently. Zobral played well as a character. Yes, Zobral is someone I don't think anyone would want to offend. Clancy Brown did act well, too. Zobral's clan and
their culture is reminiscent of clans and tribes of the middle east and Asia. Nice game they were playing in the sand. What did they call it? Sand polo? Overall, nice story line and good continuity between scenes.
Tid Bits -
Anyone every actually tried "Essence of Male"? Looks like it could use some salt. Why did
the Vulcans really chose to land in the U.S. and make first contact? Comic books.
What it all means -
See Detained.
3 cool peace signs
MJC 200205.12