Two Days and Two Nights, Prod#ST:ENT 125
Synopsis: When the crew takes shore leave on the famous pleasure planet of Risa, Archer has a mysterious encounter with an alien woman; Hoshi has a surprising romantic rendezvous; Mayweather has a rock-climbing accident; and Trip and Reed go clubbing only to end the evening as unwitting victims of robbery.
MJC Review:
The Drama -
Can you say useless? Yep, that's what this story amounts to. Absolutely nothing! If it wasn't for some of the
light-sided humor, this would have been another torturous episode to watch.
Well, let me start off with some Trek inconsistencies, only because I love bashing the producers and writers when the make such obviously and dumb continuity errors. In the DS9 episode, 'Let He Who Is Without Sin...', it was well established that Risa's "artificial" tropical paradise was maintained by the most elaborate federation weather modification system. In fact, without the modified climate and weather systems, Risa's natural weather is rain...and lots of
it! Plus, there are earthquakes all the time. A taste of Risa's natural
environment was experienced in that DS9 episode when the weather system went down. Of course, there was no mention in this Enterprise episode that Risa had any kind of artificial climatic system. Oh well. The last I checked, Berman was a producer of that DS9 series! Hello??? That DS9 episode
was also written by one of Star Trek's better writers, Robert Hewitt Wolfe. Maybe the Enterprise producers should have him write a few good episodes for Enterprise. Besides the dumb inconsistencies, the story was not very good.
It was an uneven with an inconsistent story line. It made no sense, had no real character development, and was just plain flat stupid. Archer's mystery women
plot left me feeling like "so what? What was the point?". Besides, she looked too much like a Trill with larger and lighter spots. So much for originality. Hoshi's love affair was rushed. Where was the build up for that? The "getting-to-know" routine? Walk along the beach? It was like, "Hi, I can speak Risa, too. Let's have sex". I thought the writers would have made one of
Enterprise's first love affair more interesting, especially for a regular character. I did enjoy Hoshi's first dialog, in Risa, with the dining couple at first. It did show that she wants to rely more on her human abilities for alien language
communication rather than the universal translator. Speaking of the UT, where was it for Trip and Reed or did everyone
at the club that they were speaking to just magically know English? Their
appearance and scene setting kind of reminded me of the Roxbury skit from Saturday Night live. Maybe there should have been this background music - "What is Love? Baby, don't hurt me ...". I thought that the scene of them getting mugged was a bit funny - left with nothing but
their undies. Phlox's hibernation scenes were humorous. Definitely don't wake a sleeping Phlox. Alas,
humor alone will not score enough brownie points for any story. Enterprise is (or at least supposed to be) a sci-fi drama series, not a cheap sit-com.
Tid Bits -
So half the crew got to go to Risa. Hmmm, let's if Enterprise has a crew of about 80, that means 40 went. They showed two shuttle pods taken everyone one down. With maybe about half a dozen we saw on the first Shuttle pod, I guess that leaves about 34 to cram into the second. I hate to see what
they all would do if they had to abandon ship. Perhaps a Chinese fire
drill? So what did they use for money for the trip? Good looks? Hoshi's "boyfriend's"
forehead looked too Caradassian like. Seems like 22nd century field scanners can send data back up to the
ship (Archer scene scanning the mystery women). Where as with 23rd century scanners (Tricorders), one has to beam back up to the ship to process that data. Go figure.
What it all means -
No meaning. The story made no sense.
2 cool peace signs
MJC 200205.18