Shockwave II, Prod#ST:ENT 128
Intent on stopping Archer and Enterprise's mission, the diabolical Suliban take the crew hostage when it is discovered that Archer has mysteriously disappeared off the ship. While stuck in the decimated remains of the 31st century, Archer and Daniels work to find a way to get back to Enterprise; and Daniels worries that the future existence of The Federation may be in jeopardy as a result of his impulsive action to remove Archer from Enterprise, forever changing the course of history.
MJC Review:
The Drama -
The season 1 cliff hanger created high expectations for the season 2 opener. However, the potential fulfillment for Shockwave 2 didn't live up to those expectations. It was a good episode, but not anywhere near the par of part 1. I found it odd that the Suliban boarded Enterprise while on the verge of destroying it - not exactly a good flow to follow after the part 1 ending. There were some good scenes of the crew trying to escape. Some clever "Scotty" engineering skills got some key crew members out of their quarters. The pretend warp core breach was a bit too predictable, though. Nice scene of Hoshi being topless - all in the line of duty. I wish that there was more explanation to the viewer about the causes of the destruction and ruins seen in the 31st century without tipping off Archer. Daniels could have mumbled something to himself while archer was not nearby. In the ending scene with the crew chatting with Starfleet, I thought that Trip's outburst was a bit out of line, although within his character. Overall, there were a few good actions scenes, but not much to tie everything together and make the episode flow well as it should have. It  definitely needed more oomph. I guess that the Star Trek producers were too busy with editing the Nemesis movie when this episode was shot.
Tid Bits -
Was there any explanation as to why Daniels survived the time change or is he just magically immune to temporal time changes? Speaking of Daniel, in the opening scene, the makeup made him look more like an android and the suit like a Borg. Maybe he's a holographic-android-borg-human hybrid? In the battle scene, the Enterprise fires it's phased cannons while at warp. I thought that "phased" weapons couldn't be fired while at warp? This has even been mentioned in Enterprise episodes. Label that another "oops". Did anyone notice that Mayweather got fewer lines than the alien henchman #2?
What it all means -
What happened, didn't happen, because it will have already happened.
3 cool peace signs
MJC 200209.20