The Communicator, Prod#ST:ENT 134
Reed accidentally leaves his communicator on a pre-warp alien planet during a visit, and when he returns with Archer to retrieve the crucial technology, they are captured by soldiers who accuse them of being enemy spies.
MJC Review:
The Drama -
Did anyone get the feeling of deja-vu with this episode. Take away the pre-atomic society and all the frivolous background story stuff, and what is left is a repeat of an Archer/Reed episode from Minefield. Only this time, Reed doesn't get his leg spiked from a mine. Re-using previous story ideas from past Star Trek series has been well known, but from the same series is ridiculous! This episode was not a total character development loss. We do come to learn that Archer has matured enough to be willing to sacrifice his life to protect pre-warp societies. Perhaps this will become one of many acts to form the framework for the Prime Directive. And Reed is scared of dieing on an alien planet - not exactly security/weapons officer material (Worf would not be pleased).

Too many logical and technical inconsistencies that made the story kinda lame - like the general understanding English from the communicator, pre-atomic weapons being a threat to Starfleet shuttle pods, primitive propeller aircraft able to outrun and actually pose a danger to a Sulliban Cell-Ships, and T'Pol using cowboy style tactics to rescue Archer and Reed. As far as cultural "contamination" is concerned, they might have been better off just bringing walkie talkies.

Tid Bits -
1) Mayweather gets to drive the Sulliban pod.

2) I guess it's standard Starfleet training to learn alien languages quickly.

3) I guess the transporter was broken in this episode.  It would have made it easier to rescue Archer and Reed.
What it all means -
Archer and Reed have another getting-to-know-you adventure. This time, no Romulans were involved.
2 cool peace signs
MJC 200211.17