Precious Cargo, Prod#ST:ENT 137
Trip rescues an alien woman from her kidnappers and gets the hots for her.
MJC Review:
The Drama -
Cheap sex, no real thrills, and some rip offs from TOS's 'Elaan of Troyius' and TNG's 'The Perfect Mate'. That's about what it amounts up to. There's nothing much to say about this episode other than it was a bit demeaning for the Trip character. I think that there could been a lot more dramatic developments leading to the sex scene rather than, 'let's do a lot of yelling then kiss and make out'. There were no real plot twists that would make this an interesting story. I guess that this is the network executives attempt at "sexing it up".  The interrogation scene started out well, but I think that there could have been a bit more development. It felt like it really went nowhere.   Are there are possible signs of budget cuts going on with the series?   Lets see, no special effects when Enterprise fired its phased canons on the cargo ship. Also, Kriosians had no alien make-up - looked pretty human to me.  And the writing....well, you get what you pay for.
Tid Bits -
1) Mayweather pilots the ship through some "dust" which keeps the Enterprise from going to warp.  Guess this means a future reduction in screen time for him.  At least he hasn't crashed the ship like Troi did (or will).

2) That island jungle setting looked like leftovers from 'Rogue Planet'.

3) So did Kaitaama and Trip learn each others language real quick or was the universal translator still working when the crashed on the planet? Then again, sex needs no words.

4) The make-up for the alien cargo pilots looked like unfinished Cardassians. Signs of more budget cuts or lack of creativity (I guess with budget cuts, one can't afford to hire a creative make-up artist).
What it all means -
Trip makes out with a royalty.
2 cool peace signs
MJC 200212.15