The Catwalk, Prod#ST:ENT 138
When a deadly radioactive storm threatens Enterprise, the entire crew must take refuge for eight days in a small maintenance shaft.
MJC Review:
The Drama -
Being in a cramped confinement for 8 days definitely presented a unique opportunity for the crew to "get to know one another". Aside from card playing, movies, and trivia questions, very little of that actually happened. There were no dramatic tension to make for an interesting story. This would have been an excellent episode to reveal more about the main characters. However, other than T'Pol's lack of social skills (no surprise there), nothing really new materialized. The alien takeover of the ship just served as a mediocre backdrop. It really added nothing to the story, other than that there is room for improvement for Reed's security protocols. At least Porthos didn't poop or pee on anyone.
Tid Bits -
1) Mayweather steers the ship through a storm and remembers the toilets.

2) Nice special effects on the wave front. Much improvement from the one in Star Trek 6.

3) Nice reference to Solkar (grandfather of Sarek for those who don't know)

4) So where the hydroponics evacuated to the catwalks, as well, or will the crew be eating toasted plants for a while?

5) The chef gets a walk-on scene - headless of course.
What it all means -
The crew, dog, and exotic animals can all fit and stay in the catwalks for 8 days without any of the men growing a beard.
2 cool peace signs
MJC 200212.21