Future Tense, Prod#ST:ENT 142
The Enterprise gang finds a small craft adrift in deep space that contains a human corpse.
MJC Review:
The Drama -

This was a good action-pak and well high-paced episode. Every new scene kept things a bit more interesting and exciting. The more of the mystery that they tried to unravel, the more of a mystery it became. I don't think that there was ever a dull moment.  The "deja-vu" scenes were good. It was kind of funny watching Archer, Trip, and Reed looking at each other confusedly and thinking - "didn't we just do this?". But, I guess that's the norm in TV acting - retake, retake, retake. It did seem a bit odd that Trip was able to repair a 31st century time-transmitter with 22nd century tools. So does that mean a 12th century blacksmith can fix my 21st century pc? I did like the "Tardis" effect on the craft. It definitely blew Trip's 22nd century engineering thinking away!

I'm not sure if there was much, if any, character development in this episode. That seemed to be traded off for more mystery and action. Though at the end, Archer does seem more appreciative and respectful of the Vulcans for their effort in trying to help out Archer in time of need. It seems like all characters got a little bit of screen time in this episode.

Yes, there was yet more Star Trek continuity violations. This is beginning to be a bad habit for the producers. So what else is new? It was clearly established that first contact with the Tholians happened during Kirk's era in the original series of  'The Tholian Web'. No ands, ifs, maybes, or buts about it. Yea, one could argue that the temporal cold war thing may have added a new twist to the Star Trek timeline, but that's just crap. Another problem was with the phased cannons firing at warp speed. This even violates Enterprise's own history from season one in addition to all the other Trek eras. Do these continuity problems really hurt the story? Given enough, yes they do. Good stories are have good consistencies underlining them. And an increasingly inconsistent story writing makes for an ever increasingly inconsistent story telling. I think this episode would have been better if the Tholians were more secretive, unseen, and unknown to Archer and crew. Only the viewer would have known what was really going on. Now that would have made for a better mystery element for the story.

The ending did seem a bit dry. There was no clear resolve to the situation other than the craft returning back to the future. I think all were left hanging thinking, what next?

Tid Bits -
1)  Mayweather pilots the ship during combat. Nothing much else to tell.

2)  Vulcan ships are wimpy against Tholian ships.

What it all means -
The cold war continues...
3 cool peace signs
MJC 200302.23