Judgment, Prod#ST:ENT 145
Synopsis:  Captain Archer stands accused before a Klingon tribunal of conspiring against the Empire.
MJC Review:
The Drama -

It was quite refreshing to finally watch a good Star Trek story! This episode had all of the classic elements of plain'ol good Star Trek story telling.  I must a bit, that I was a bit skeptical of this one at first. After hearing about and seeing clips of Archer's trial and references to Rura Penthe, I naturally thought that this would be some cheap rehash of the Star Trek 6 movie. Although the settings may have been similar, the story was told in its own unique way that made it for an interesting and good episode to watch.  Let me also give some high praise for some fine acting by Hertzler and Vickery. These veteran actors to Star Trek really know how to bring a character to life. At first, Kolos may have sounded like Martok, but once the scenes progressed, one could tell that Kolos was anything but Martok. You can thank Hertzler's acting for making Kolos seem like a unique character.

The trial scenes did a good job at showing a unique view of events from a Klingon's perspective. It's amazing how the same events can be interpreted and described so differently. I thought the overall trial-story-telling scenes were done quite well. And the Klingons, for once, were actually portrayed with intelligence! Not just the blundering warriors that had been depicted in previous Enterprise episodes.  It was interesting to here Kolos talk about how the Klingons weren't so militaristic not so long ago (and apparently within Kolos's lifetime). I hope that the producers and writers expand on that in future Enterprise episodes. It would make and excellent background story.

Although this was mostly an Archer episode, I thought that there was more than enough room to have the other characters more involved than they were. I'm sure Mayweather would like to have done something more besides sitting on his butt and helming the ship all the time.

It's been a while, but I think that the gang making Enterprise has shown that they still have the "right stuff" to produce a good Star Trek episode.

Tid Bits -
1) Mayweather mans the helm as usual.

2) I guess Universal Translators are not issued to prisoners on trial during Enterprise's era. During Star Trek 6, Kirk and McCoy can't get through the trial without it.

3) How was Archer captured to begin with???

4) So, who takes care of Porthos while Archer is in prison?

What it all means -
Archer inspires Kolos to restore honor and faith to the Klingon society.
3 cool peace signs
MJC 200304.12