Horizon, Prod#ST:ENT 146
Synopsis:  When Enterprise reverses course to go investigate a planetary phenomenon, Ensign Mayweather takes the opportunity to visit the cargo ship where he was born and raised.
MJC Review:
The Drama -

It's about damn time they did another episode about Mayweather! After being practically neglected this season, we finally get to see some real drama about him. This Mayweather episode focused mostly on his personal and family side. There were a number of good scenes at the beginning that showed what he was like when he was a kid. It was quite clear that he had a strong yearning at a young age to venture amongst the stars. I guess one could say that he was a natural born explorer.  Although at first, things tended to play out as a typical family reunion for Mayweather, it was clear that there was still some lingering resentment about his leaving the Horizon. Most notably was the tension that flared up with his brother. There was a strong sense on board that Mayweather should have stayed on board the cargo ship instead of joining Starfleet. But when you see the all of his kid stuff and dreams, one realizes that he was destined for exploration.

As the show progressed, the viewer could see how Mayweather began to have second doubts about his leaving. Certainly, the unexpected news of his fathers death hit him quite hard. As events progressed, he began to have strong feelings that maybe he should stay with his family on the Horizon, instead of returning back to Enterprise. Afterall, blood is thicker than deuterium. The deciding factor, and perhaps the best scene of this episode, was his "talk" with his mom in the mess hall. In that scene, we see all his doubts, fears, and concerns come out. I though that it was quite a good emotional and dramatic scene for him. After all, the Horizon was his home. Family and crew depended on each other to get things done. Hmm.., kind of like a deep space exploration ship like Enterprise! Maybe that's what he finally realized in the end. Anyways, nothing like a good chat with mom to get everything out.

The final battle scene was done just right. Not so much that they won the battle, but rather it brought Mayweather and his brother closer together. Although the two may still disagree about Mayweather initially leaving for Starfleet, I think that the two have a new found respect and admiration for one another.

They could have done without the subplot. Although subplots tend to serve as breaks or rests from the main plot, this one was more of a distraction and just plain stupid. It really went nowhere and added nothing the character value of T'Pol. Next time, the writes should pick a better subplot or just not do one at all.

Montgomery did a good acting job with this episode, as well. He played out the character and scenes just right. The producers should give him more screen time. Overall, a good episode for the "boomer". Nice job.

Tid Bits -
1) Mayweather gets an entire episode devoted to himself! WAHOO!!

2) From Fortunate Son, it seemed that earth cargo ships can only go up to warp 1.8 . In this episode, the Horizon can go up to warp 2. I guess the Horizon has turbo chargers.

What it all means -
Mayweather re-realizes his purpose in life.
3 cool peace signs
MJC 200304.20