Anomaly, Prod#ST:ENT 154
Synopsis:  Enterprise starts experiencing effects of the spatial distortions as the traverse the Expanse and gets raided by aliens.
MJC Review:
The Drama -

We're beginning to see Archer get more and more aggressive in this episode as his quest for the Xindi continues. Having his ship raided by the Osaarians certainly didn't help his disposition either. His overall  character presentation  here was somewhat despicable. But, there was still a bit of humanity left in him when he let the captured Osaarian go. The Osaarian captive may be right. Archer will have to be a lot more aggressive if he's to survive the spatial distortions and hunt down the Xindi.

That was kind of a lame raid. It did seem a bit too easy. Where was security during all this? Get out of your bunks and into action! Archer's first crewman death is not unexpected, but kind of happened without much dramatic affect.  One would think that having the first death in this show would be a good idea for an entire episode on how Archer deals with the death of someone under his command. Now that would be a great dramatic episode! Call it - First Casualty. But, what do I know? I'm not a producer or a writer.

Tid Bits -
1) Mayweather demonstrates his piloting skills once more. I guess there's know chance that he'll be able to find a human cargo ship in the expanse so that most of an episode can be devoted to him.

2) The outside of the planetoid structure looked kind of like leftovers from the dyson sphere in TNG's "Relics".

3) Archer takes his dog along for the ride. I kind of wondered if he had left Porthos back on earth or not.

4) Hoshi doesn't get to go on the away mission on the dead alien ship and scream herself silly like she did in the season one episode 'Fight or Flight'

5) Reed finds some stem bolts, though probably not the self sealing variety that has been seen in DS9.

What it all means -
Archer's  obsessive hunt for the Xindi continues to grows.
3 cool peace signs
MJC 200309.021
Copyright 2003