Extinction, Prod#ST:ENT 155
Synopsis:  On a mission to investigate an abandoned Xindi vessel on a jungle planet, Archer, Reed and Hoshi succumb to a virus that mutates them into a primal life form.
MJC Review:
The Drama -

This episode was nothing more than a boring rehash of other sci-fi stories about characters gone "ape". There was already a TNG episode (Genesis) that dealt with this idea in a much better way. Come to think of it, wasn't there a Space:1999 episode about a similar event? Voyager had an episode (Threshold) of Janeway and Paris evolving into some weird creature of the week. Anyways, there was really nothing to talk about in terms of drama because nothing that happened here really had any meaningful change to the character's character. Plus, it's a bad stopping point to the Xindi arc. At least Hoshi didn't scream and panic on this away mission.

Tid Bits -
1) Mayweather gets to sit in the captain's chair! He gets to command and pilot the ship in the same scene.

2) Do you think Archer has other intentions of keeping the mutagenic virus other than "preserving" a lost civilization?
What it all means -
"Grunt, Grunt"
2 cool peace signs
MJC 200309.028
Copyright 2003