Carpenter Street, Prod#ST:ENT 163
Synopsis:  Archer and T'Pol travel back in time to 2004 Detroit to stop a Xindi plot.
MJC Review:
The Drama -

The over all plot was a bit dry. This story had an opportunity to uncover a bit more of the plot as to why the Xindi reptilians thought that the humans would one day destroy all Xindi. Instead, it was just a lame time travel episode about getting the bad guys. The appearance of Daniels was no more than a cameo appearance. It was a waste of story telling for such an important character in the overall temporal cold war arc.

There was a bit of noteworthy humor that made watching this episode somewhat bearable. 
The drive-thru scene was hilarious! Loomis getting arrested at the end and blabbering about lizards, lasers and stuff was also kind of funny, too. The scene where Archer and T'Pol trying to hijack and drive a car was a bit reminiscent of Kirk and Spock trying to drive a car in TOS: "A Piece of the Action". The writers could have been a bit more creative in that area. I like the time-travel effects when Archer and T'Pol went into the command center and then "poof" they were in Detroit. No fancy long-winded special effects needed for that!

Maybe it was a blessing that this episode was shown on the night before thanksgiving. 
Perhaps there wasn't enough people watching it to know how lame it was.

Tid Bits -
1) Porthos gets more screen time than Mayweather.

2) I see the Xindi are back to developing a bio-weapon (see "Rajiin") instead of a planet-buster in "Twilight".

What it all means -
The temporal cold war continues....
2 cool peace signs
MJC 200311.30
Copyright 2003