Hatchery, Prod#ST:ENT 169
Archer tries to save an abandoned nest of Xindi-Insectoid eggs ready to hatch. 
MJC Review:
The Drama -

Overall, some good basic drama with this episode. Although "mutiny" has been  a common theme for many series and movies, this episode dealt with the issue in its own unique way. The hatchery served has a good basis for the story, however, it seemed that the issue of what would cause the enterprise crew to rebel against Archer was a much stronger plot than what the episode title suggested.  Mutiny was perhaps more central to the theme of the story. I guess we all know what the officers and crew are actually willing to do to accomplish the mission.

Bakula's acting in this episode was well done.  The slow progression of his behavior and intentions was well played out - more so than or typical one moment I'm alright and the next I'm under some influence.

Major Hayes and Reed go head-to-head again. Only this time, it was professional not personal. MACO has shown and proven that they are loyal to the captain, almost to the point without question. This character trait should serve  well when they encounter their climax battle with the Xindi.

Had there been a bit more extreme drama to the story, this could have been a really good moral/loyalty issue story. After all, for such a dedicated crew, there have to be some really extreme situations to bring the senior officers to rebel against the captain.

Perhaps, some good will come from Archer helping out the Insectoid hatchlings. You never know...

Tid Bits -
1) Mayweather actually plays a pivotal role in retaking the ship!

2) Sato and Mayweather get about the same number of lines.

3) Nice reference to the eugenics war.

4) Archer getting "sprayed" was a bit reminiscent of Spock getting sprayed by the "love pollen" in TOS: 'This Side of Paradise'.

What it all means -
The title should have been called 'Mutiny'.
3 cool peace signs
MJC 200402.29
Copyright 2004