Hatchery, Prod#ST:ENT 169 | |
Synopsis: | |
Archer tries to save an abandoned nest of Xindi-Insectoid eggs ready to hatch. |
MJC Review: | |
The Drama - | |
Overall, some good basic drama with this episode. Although "mutiny"
has been a common theme for many series and movies, this episode dealt with the issue in its own unique way. The hatchery served has a good basis for the story, however, it
seemed that the issue of what would cause the enterprise crew to rebel against
Archer was a much stronger plot than what the episode title suggested.
Mutiny was perhaps more central to the theme of the story. I guess we all know
what the officers and crew are actually willing to do to accomplish the mission. |
Tid Bits - | |
1) Mayweather actually plays a pivotal role in retaking the ship! 2) Sato and Mayweather get about the same number of lines. 3) Nice reference to the eugenics war. 4) Archer getting "sprayed" was a bit reminiscent
of Spock getting sprayed by the "love pollen" in TOS:
'This Side of Paradise'.
What it all means - | |
The title should have been called 'Mutiny'. | |
3 cool peace signs MJC 200402.29 Copyright 2004 |