The Augments, Prod#ST:ENT 182
In defiance of their "father," Arik Soong's Augments devise a heinous plot against the Klingons which will surely lead to interstellar war.
MJC Review:
The Drama -

Soong and Malik finally come to a head-to-head confrontation and conflict. Much of the previous episode built up to this point. Malik's superior ambitions drive him to usurp his father. What was interesting was that despite being overthrown by the Augments, Soong actually wanted to still save them. In this final 3-part arc, Soong did not really come across as a true villain. Soong really believed in his work that he could fix the genetic engineering mistakes of the past and improve upon them to better humanity. However, Malik's own agenda resulted in Soong's hopes coming to a crashing end. Archer was right in reminding Soong that superior intellect breeds superior ambitions. Kudos go to Spiner for another great performance!

Malik was definitely in a kill all mode. This made the character seem a bit dry as compared to the two previous episodes. He certainly was no lively Khan character. The scenes towards the end of the Augment's Klingon ship being self destructed by Malik was a bit reminiscent of the Wrath of Khan. There could have been a bit more creative writing on that part. Malik's surprise last ditch appearance on the Enterprise was just a cheesy flick that many have already seen with endless horror mediocre clichés. That scene could have been cut out all together, although seeing Archer shoot a hole in Malik's gut was a bit cool.

It was good to see a small scene of T'Pol and Tripp trying to discuss T'Pol's recent marriage. Although a difficult topic for both to talk about, it will take time for both to adjust to the situation. This plot should develop well over the course of the season if the writers take this in slow yet to the point increments.

However much longer Soong has to stay in prison, these events seem to have triggered the idea of cybernetics and artificial intelligence as the way to go for him. Everyone can just fast forward to the 24th century to see how that turns out.

Overall, this three part story arc was well done. It looks like Star Trek creativity is still alive and well.

Tid Bits -

1) Mayweather does a lot of piloting.

2) SS Botany Bay is considered a myth.

3) Khan gets referenced.

4) Archer foils the Klingons again.

5) Hoshi has seven Klingon dialects programmed into the universal translator. The "7" keeps consistency with ongoing Trek themes!

6) The Briar Patch gets referenced.

7) Who was that female blonde hottie on the bridge?

What it all means -
This eugenics battle is over. Wait about 100+ years for the next.
3 cool peace signs
MJC 200411.14
Copyright 2004