Babel One, Prod#ST:ENT 188
Enterprise journeys to Babel with a Tellarite ambassador on board for peace talks with the Andorians, when a distress call from Shran is received.
MJC Review:
The Drama -

In the beginning of this episode, Archer contemplates how he might prove earth and humans fit into the grand scheme of intergalactic society. It was very important for him to show how humans can bring together adversaries to work together in cooperation and common cause. However, anything but the peace conference goes as plans. After all, if anything did go as planned at the beginning of a TV show, who would really watch it? As it turned out, a marauding ship had been attacking both the Andorian and Tellarites. This trouble making ship was able to disguise itself as either adversary thus making it look like the other side was attacking them. This, of course, put the Andorians and Tellarites at odds with one another on Enterprise. Instead of a peace conference, Archer spends the majority of his time trying to keep the two species from killing each other. Archer seemed to hold up well while dealing with the argumentative Tellarites. Archer was able to carry on insulting conversations quite well. Shran was his typical old self. It's amazing that things didn't get any worse than they already were.

Trip and Reed get to spend some "quality" time on board the alien ship. It was a bit funny watching them get kicked around in those small passage ways. Despite being trapped on the ship, the remained quite focused and professional at getting to the bridge and finding out what was going on.

There were many good action scenes that were fun to watch. Each one was different yet built upon the previous scene quite well. There were no gaps or backwords-catchup type story telling. The title had nothing really to do with Babel One, but was a nice reference to the original TOS episode 'Journey to Babel'. There were some aspects of this episode that may have been a bit too similar to the TOS episode (a bit of deju vu), but there was enough variety and twist in this one to make for an entertaining show to watch. The Romulan hidden plot was well done and the ending was quite original and surprising to see!

Tid Bits -

1) Mayweather flies Enterprise just a tad bit past warp 5.

2) Hoshi gets to argue with Archer, although it was just practice for his meeting with the Tellarites.

3) T'Pol's divorce is final.

4) MACO gets beat up by a hot looking Andorian chick.

5) I wonder if they will reveal who was under the Romulan VR mask?

What it all means -
The Romulans are at it again.
3 cool peace signs
MJC 200501.30
Copyright 2005