Aenar, Prod#ST:ENT 190
Archer visits Shran's icy homeworld to find an Andorian subspecies called the Aenar, to determine their connection to the marauder destroying ships in the region. 
MJC Review:
The Drama -

For the first time, Star Trek has gone where no other series has gone before - Andoria. As a cold and icy world, the area that Shran and Archer travel to turns out to be inhabited by an Andorian subspecies called the Aenar. The Aenar were telepathic and one of their kind had been kidnapped and was being used by the Romulans to control the marauding ship(s). Shran encountered a young Aenar women whose brother was the one that was kidnapped. There were some tender moments as both of them started their grieves over the loss of loved ones, but nothing romantic ever developed from that. The young Aenarian women eventual contacts her brother via telepathy and in a typical heroic fashion, he sacrifices himself to save the day. This was a pretty basic plot with no real big surprises or foul-ups. No one acted out of character and played their parts consistently.

Viewers did learn a bit more behind the Romulan aggressiveness strategy. Apparently,  at some point there was a debate as to whether conquest was the best course of action to take to expand their empire. What dissention there was, has been quickly put down and now even those that still have doubts have learned to follow the mainstream ways if they want to show their worthiness to the Romulan hierarchy.

What made this episode really interesting to watch was the continuing T'Pol/Trip story line and character development. As Archer was dealing with the marauder threat, Trip had to deal with what was going on inside of him. There were some brief scenes where T'Pol and Trip discuss their thoughts on life and death. Trip did not exactly get the answer from T'Pol that he wanted. Perhaps, T'Pol was just being her typical Vulcan self and suppressing her emotions. Trip showed genuine concern for T'Pol's well being when she tried to use her limited telepathic abilities to operated the remote control contraption to try and navigate the marauding ship. However, these concerns and feelings went unnoticed by T'Pol and caused Trip to really evaluated what may or may not be going on between them. The real kicker was at the end when Trip asked for a transferred. There were no ands, ifs, or buts about it! He wanted out. Even 
Archer pulls out the friendship card to which Trip used it back to show how strongly he felt about leaving Enterprise. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out over the rest of the season. It should be interesting to see not only how it affects his friendship with Archer, but his feelings for T'Pol as well. One wonders how T'Pol will react to this? Guess everyone just has to wait and see in the upcoming "exciting" episodes of Star Trek: Enterprise.

Tid Bits -

1) What was Mayweather's purpose again?

2) The Romulans mentioned in this episode that there was an Andorian/Tellarite alliance. Yet, in previous episodes, it seemed that there was an Andorian/Terran/Vulcan/Tellarite alliance that had formed. Oh well, different writers different lines.

3) From the backdrop scenes, it looked like Andoria was a moon that orbited a ringed, gas giant.

4) Andoria has ice cave worms.

5) Shran has turned out to be a strong reoccurring character for the Enterprise series.

What it all means -
The Romulan's plot has been foiled.
3 cool peace signs
MJC 200502.12
Copyright 2005