In a Mirror, Darkly (part 2), Prod#ST:ENT 195
In the mirror universe, Archer commandeers the 23rd-century Defiant from the Tholians and uses it in a nefarious power grab.
MJC Review:
The Drama -

Archer's psychotic behavior comes full fledged when he not only just wants a command of his own, but to be emperor himself! His paranoid and schizophrenia attitude was reminiscent of lead poisoned roman aristocrats. He felt that everyone was out to get him and that there was no one he could trust. He even imagined another Archer talking to him and telling him what should be done. A very deranged character for Bakula to play, but he did it quite well.

Archer was already paranoid that all non-humans were out to get him, so he had all the aliens transported to the Avenger. Soval and T'Pol try to lead a plot to steal the data from the Defiant and destroy that ship. They even recruited Phlox with the prospect of females. The end result in this terran ruled universe was their failure and the destruction of the Avenger. It was interesting to see how the two sides plotted to use the Defiant to their advantage.

Aside from all the plots and sub-plots for power by all the characters, the recreation of the Defiant's bridge and inside decks was quite remarkable. All the classic sound effects of the TOS series were recreated with detail. Phasers and photons torpedoes firing, red alert klaxon, and all the background blips and beeps of the ship were there. Someone went to great lengths to pay attention to detail. For that, they get an A+!

If the Enterprise series would have continued, this story line mirror universe version would have made for some great future mirror universe episodes like the DS9 saga was able to do.

Tid Bits -

1) Mayweather consorts with Hoshi.

2) Nice CGI of a Gorn.

3) TOS series constitution ships weren't shown having aft weapons.

4) T'Pol predicts the demise of the Terrans (see DS9 mirror universe episodes).

5) Hoshi and T'Pol get in a cat fight.

6) Mirror Soval has a goatee, though not as cool looking as Mirror Spock's.

What it all means -
Hoshi is now the Empress.
4 cool peace signs
MJC 200505.01
Copyright 2005