Ohio River Buddy Trail Results
April 21, 2013 St. Mary’s Ramp
Big fish and Big weight were brought in at St. Mary's W.Va. ramp Sunday as 65 teams battled it out for the top thirteen spots that received a check from the payback of $3180.00 total for the day. Notice was given by myself (Joe Mitchem),
that REGISTRATION WILL CLOSE AT 6:45 AM, PERIOD. If you come at 6:45:01; you will not be allowed to fish that day, as per stated in the rules. With that said again, here are the top weights.
Sponsored by Wright's Riverside Marine of St. Mary's, W.Va.
1st Place Steve Freed/ Josh Freed 5 fish 15.95 # $999.00
2nd Place Scott Bayless/ Greg Wilson 5 fish 15.54 #
3rd Place Brian Sturgeon/ Tony Knight 5 fish 14.08 #
4th Place Jesse Harmon/ Brandon Whittle 5 fish 13.56 #
5th Place Mark Mackey/ Charles Tullius 5 fish 12.30 #
6th Place Ron Henthorn/ Matthew Kimball 5 fish 12.10 #
7th Place Tom Berga/ Brad Berga 5 fish 11.74 #
8th Place Cecil Schneider/ Dan Holdern 5 fish 11.45 #
9th Place Chuck Watson/ Daniel Vandine 5 fish 10.65 #
10th Place Butch Fulks/ Mike Goddard 5 fish 10.18 #
11th Place Kenneth Meek/ Zac Welch 5 fish 10.16 #
12th Place Milford Hott jr./ Milford Hott 5 fish 9.65 #
13th Place Clint Hartshorn/ Scott Dettman 5 fish 9.32 #
Big Bass: Scott Bayless/ Greg Wilson 6.00 # $325.00