December 1, 2005

Dear Soldier:

Greetings from the Pack 10 Tiger Cubs in Amarillo, Texas! Amarillo is in the Texas Panhandle. It is very dry and windy here. We got a little bit of snow on Sunday, November 27th, and it has been so cold it is still here on Thursday, December 1st! Amarillo is a great place to live; there are about 160,000 people in our city, and we have our own amusement park – Wonderland! It has a water slide, a haunted house, a double-loop roller coaster, and a train. It may not be as big as Six Flags, but we sure like it.

We are all first-graders, and since we do not write very well yet, we hope you do not mind that one of the Mom’s typed this letter for us. We just wanted to be sure to send you a letter since you do so much
for us and we want to say thank you.  We all really like Cub Scouts. This is our first year, and they sure have been keeping us busy! For our very first Den meeting, we had to learn the Tiger Cub motto (Search, Discover, Share), the Cub Scout Sign (two fingers up on the right hand), and the Cub Scout salute. Did you know that we have a salute just like you? We use it whenever we say the Pledge of Allegiance.

During our Den meetings, we have made scrapbooks to keep track of all our projects, made leaf rubbings on tracing paper, learned about the food guide pyramid, tried different kinds of milk (chocolate was our favorite), made trail mix, learned about the water cycle, looked at different maps, learned how to read a globe, and practiced skits and songs.

We also go on field trips with our Den. In Tiger Cubs, these are called "Go-See-Its". Our first Go-See-It was to The Panhandle Plains Historical Museum in Canyon, TX. Canyon is about 15 miles south of Amarillo. It is a very little place; it only has about 20,000 people, but it has its own University (West Texas A & M University). The museum was so cool. It has dinosaur bones, oil rigs, antique cars, and an entire room filled with old pistols, rifles, and guns.

Next, we went to Camp Don Harrington and got to do Spook-O-Ree. That was super fun! Spook-O-Ree is like Halloween, but it lasts all day and you do a lot more than just eat candy. We got to climb a rock wall, shoot BB guns, shoot arrows on the Archery Range, learn First Aid, go on hikes, paint pumpkins, play tennis ball golf, and run through an obstacle course. We also got to make our own snacks and have a picnic. Then, those of us who were not too tired, got to stay after it got dark and go through the haunted house and take a spooky hike through the "Ghost Walk". What a great time!

The Fire Station was a great Go-See-It. The firemen let us go all through their station and showed us how they live and work. Do you know that they have to cook their own meals and then do their own dishes? We caught them doing dishes on our tour. They had four refrigerators! I guess they must get hungry doing all that work. There were about 50 beds in their huge bedroom - and they were all
were all made! Our moms nearly fainted when they saw that! They even have a fire pole in the bedroom in case there is a fire in the middle of the night. They wouldn’t let us go down the pole, but when we were down in the garage, the other firemen slid the rookie’s bed down the pole! It was so funny! He had been showing us how he has to put on his big fire suit and mask, and down came his bed!

Tiger Cubs also get to go to Pack meetings with the older Scouts. In our Pack, there are Tiger Cubs (1st Grade), Wolf Cubs (2nd Grade), Bear Cubs (3rd Grade), and Webelos (4th & 5th Grade). Webelos means "We’ll Be Loyal Scouts". At our Pack meetings, everyone gets awards. We work very hard during the month so that we can get an award. practice more. We have already got our Tiger Cub Totem and a bunch of beads to hang on it, our Weather Belt Loop, and some of us have got our Soccer Belt Loop, our Flag Football Belt Loop, our Fishing Belt Loop, and our Bowling Belt Loop. During the Pack meeting, we also get to do skits and sing songs.  A skit is like a play, but it is not as long, and it is usually very funny. The Tiger Cubs learned a skit AND a song for the very first Pack meeting, and everyone really liked us. We want to do another skit in January, but we will have to practice a lot first. It will be for the Webelos who are bridging to Boy Scouts, so it is a very special occasion. This January, our Pack is also going to have its Pinewood Derby. We get to make a racing car out of wood, decorate it, and race it with all the other Scouts in our Pack. This year’s themes are: Super Heroes, Nascar, and Sports.

In Tiger Cubs, we also do serious work. We call these "Community Service Projects". Already this year, we have helped gather food for the "Scouting-for-Food" project and helped sort and package supplies for Christmas boxes for needy people at the Eveline Rivers Christmas Workshop. We also marched in the Veteran’s Day Parade, and on December 17th we will march in a parade welcoming back a lot of soldiers from the Texas National Guard! This weekend, we are going to go back to the museum in Canyon and help them pass out cookies during their Christmas Open House.

Finally, in Tiger Cubs we get to go camping, fishing, and hiking! In October, we had a campout with the Pack at Camp Don Harrington, and we got to set up our tents, go on a hike, make S’Mores, shoot BB guns, have a campfire, cook our breakfast, and shoot arrows at the Archery Range. This summer we will go to Day Camp and have a Fishing Derby and a Rocket Launch! The rockets are only models, but it sure is fun to see how far they will go. We make them out of cardboard and then decorate them.

We are praying for you and all of our soldiers. Please try to write us if you get a chance and let us know how you are doing. You can also visit our website and check out how we are doing at –


The Pack 10 Tiger Cubs from Amarillo, TX:
