





This is the Pack 20 Den 3 WEBELOS web page. Our boys are 4th graders from Vienna WV and the surrounding area.

We will be meeting this year at Wayside UMC on every Tuesday each month at 6:30. except during the Pack meeting and Holidays !

The Pack Meeting schedule will be on the Fourth Tues. each month at 7pm at St. Johns United Methodist Church.

If your interested in joining our Cub Scouts Pack complete the form online here.

Join PACK 20 Today!

2009 -2010 WEBELOS

Hey folks, we are moving to the rank of WEBELOS Scout this year. We made the choice to go with the tan uniforms now.

For a look at where all the badges go follow this link to the Uniform Inspection chart we passed out at the last meeting.


We will hold uniform inspections twice a year with a prize for the best dressed scout. Thanks!



All Webelos Scouts will need to bring their book to every meeting. The WEBELOS rank is full of requirements and project. We will need to stay focused this year and we will move fast. Try not to miss a meeting. If you do we will have a schedule of what will be covered so you can do makeup work at home.

Webelos Scouts work on requirements during their weekly den meetings. Once a boy learns a skill, he practices it at den meetings and at home on his own. His family helps him at home. Webelos Scouts bring the projects they do at home to the den meetings to show others, and to have the Webelos den leader approve their projects.

When a boy has done the requirements for an activity badge, the Webelos den leader or activity badge counselor, rather than a parent, approves most of the activity badges.

It takes three activity badges, including Fitness and Citizen, to earn the Webelos badge. We will be on track to complete the Webelos badge by Blue and Gold in February.

Calvin and Hobbes