Tyrrell County Phelps Research

compiled by various researchers



Research by Doug PHelps with an emphasis on the name James Phelps

Reseach from Brenda Emory…

Research from Gwen Boyer Bjorkman



Research by Doug PHelps with an emphasis on the name James Phelps



1678  Maryland Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1678. 87

An Act for payment and assessing the Publick Charges of this Province

Whereas There hath been Eight hundred twenty five thousand Nyne hundred Seventy Nyne pounds of Tobacco Expended layd out & disbursed by severall of the Inhabitants of this Province in the late Expedicon against the Nanticoke Indians and other the necessary Charges of this Province which hath been Examined stated and allowed by the upper and lower houses of this present Generall Assembly To the intent therefore That the same may bee satisfyed and payd to those persons to whom the same is due Bee itt Enacted by the Right Honble the Lord Proprietary by and with the advice and Consent of the upper and lower houses of this present Generall Assembly and the Authority of the same That the said Eight hundred twenty five thousand Nyne hundred Seventy Nyne pounds of Tobacco be paid in manner & forme as is hereafter Expressed by an Equall Assessment vppon the persons & Estates of the Inhabitants of this Province And be payd to the severall persons to whome the same is due as aforesaid Any Talbott Law Statute Custome or vseage to the Contrary thereof County Notwithstanding— That is to say to….. To Curtbert Phelps fifteen pounds of Tobacco…. to Darby Phelps … to each & every of them three hundred pounds of Tobacco…   [also listed for a simlar event was Walter Phelps who reportedly was in Chowan early on.]


1695  Cuthbert Phelps Sr proves by his oath his right to 1050 acres of land by the importation of himself Frances Phelps Derby Phelps, Edward Pheps Bartholomen Phelps, Precilla Phelps, Cuthert Phelps Junor…. General Court 26 Feb 1695     NC Headrights A list of Names 1663-1744  (Albemarle precinct)


1694  Robert While proved nine rights…. Cuthbert Phelps.  Certified 18 July 1694. NC Headrights A list of Names 1663-1744    (Albemarle precinct)


1702    Cuthbert and Barth Phelps In 1702  Perquimans tax list.  (Tyrrell records filed in Perquimans district/precinct).


May 28, 1704

Mr: SNODIN Sr: be p1eased to Assigne ffoure of my Rights to Wm: HARDIE & three to Jno. Anderson

ye: Certificates are Recorded, & In so doing I.on obligd Your Servant

May ye: 28th: 1704                                                  Signum: James (x) FFEWOX

Henno? JOHNS!ON                 Go:? PHELPS, 5                Jono: HASSEL, 12                Sam. PREBITT?,   1

Wm: LUDFORD, 2                  Jno: VALLWAY, 1            Seth PHELPS, 6                    Cuth PHELPS, 6

Sile? Catrif?,  4                                                                 Signum: JAMES (x) FFEWOX



San thatt _        4

Note ffrom FFEWOXto SO County North Carolina Records /6 ?8' /73} NODIN for Rights

The above is reported in Albemarle County North Carolina Records 1678-1773


 1704 rights to land:    Seth Phelps 290 A rights. I to find 5 rights.  Cutbert: 300 A. rights. I to find 6 rights.   Old Albemarle CO NC records 1678-1737 


1729-32  Quit rent rolls Tyrrell co.  Edward Phelps   James Phelps


May the 24th 1740  [Tyrrell Deed book item # 69)

Edward PHELPS Records for his Son James PHELPSes mark a Crops Two Slittss and an underkeel in the Left Eare and a Crop and a hole in the Right Eare.  Test. Thos. LEARY D.Cl.Cur.



Sep 1752, Court ordered that a road be laid out from the Red Banks at Roger Snell's on the East side of Scuppernong River to the fort landing at Aligator Creek. Jury appointed: John Alexander, Joseph Alexander, Joseph Spruell, Jr., Joseph Davenport, Godfrey Spruell, James Phelps, Jr., Roger Snell, Joseph Spruell, William Gennet, Isaac Alexandor, Samuel Norman, Joseph Norman, Thos. Spencer, Capt. Sam. Spruell, Jr., and Jas. Phelps, Sr. Minutes of the September, 1752 session of the Tyrrell County, NC Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 1:135.


Dec 1754, Court petitioned by James Phelps, Josiah Phelps, Edwd. Phelps, Benjn. Tarkington, Jos. Tarkington, and Edwd. Hassell for a road from Scuppernong River near Davis' Landing to the Upper Inhabitants on Bear Creek. Court appointed John and Isaac Alexander, John Bateman, James Phelps, Sr., James Phelps, Jr. Joseph Davenport, John Tarkington, Benjamin Tarkington, Joshua Tarkington, Joseph Tarkington, Edward Hassell, Sr., Alexandor Olever, Nathan Bateman, Nehemiah Norman, and James Davenport. Minutes of the December, 1754 session of the Tyrrell County, NC Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 1:231.


1754 Tyrrell Militia  Capt. Samll. Spruill Jun:

Jams Phelps senr, Jams Phelps junr,

            Edward Phelps senr,  Edward Phelps junr


1747 tax list:  James Phelps 3 times; Edward, brother of James.


Dec 1, 1747, deed of gift John Davenport to son James Davenport, 360 acres West side of Scuppernong River, adjoining "the saw pit on my plantation", Burnt Ground Tract, Reedy Branch, Indian Swamp. Witnesses: James Phelps, Joseph Davenport.


Dec 1755, Court petition James, Joseph, & Edward Phelps, Benjamin Tarkington, and Edward Hassell mentions "the road that leads from Joseph Devenports to the Head of Scuppernung River." Minutes of the December, 1755 session of the Tyrrell County, NC Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 2:18.


1750-57  Estimate when Our James would appear (born 1729-1736)


The following is related to a James Phelps.  The abstract books contain many, many similar references to other Phelps


1744  EDWARD PHELPS planter of Tyrrel Co. to JAMES PHELPS of same. 3 Sep 1744. 15 pounds. 140 acres

on west side of Scuppernonq River, joininq Sapperless Point Branch, Palmetoe Island, Punk Knot Ridge, Bull

Savannah. EDWARD PHELPS. Wit: J HN(x)BATEMAN, ANDREW(x)OLIVER. Registered 20 Sep 1745 by Jas Conner, Reqr  209 (298) Deed book 1


1744   EDWARD PHELPS planter of Tyrrell Co. to JAMES PHELPS of same. 3 Sep 1744. 15 pounds. 150 acres(messuaqe) on west side of Scuppernong River, joining Supperless Point Branch, Permetes Island, Punk Knot Bridge, Bull Savanah. EDWARD PHELPS. Wit: JOHN(x)BATEMAN, ANDREW(x)OLIVER. Registered 9 Dec 1745 by Jas. Conner, Regr   211 (300) Deed book 1


1756 JAMES PHELPS SR. of Tyrrel Co. to JAMES PHELPS JR. of same. 28 Feb 1756. 5 pounds. 100 acres which was part of a 350 acre Granville Grant dated 24 Sep 1756, on west side of Scuppernonq River, joining Bull Savana, JAMES PHELPS JR. JAMES PHELPS. Wit: JOSIAH PHELPS, EDWARD PHELPS. Registered 13 Sep 1757 by Fr. Nard, PReq. [Note discrepancy in dates.] 572 (299) Deed book 2

  In 1729 seven of the eight Lord Proprietors sold their colonial holdings in Carolina to the Crown. The lone Proprietor was John Carteret, Earl Granville, who retained the Granville Tract in North Carolina without governing control until the American Revolution. In 1744 a special grant was made to Granville giving him one-eighth of the Carolinas. Beginning at the Virginia line on the north, the tract ran south into North Carolina giving Granville a belt of land 60 - 65 miles deep which like the Carolinas stretched from the Atlantic to the Pacific.


1758 JAMES PHELPS JR. to THOMAS HILL of same. 8 Jul 1758. 15 pounds vn. 132 acres(messuage) on west side of Scuppernong River, joining Bulls Savanna. JAMES PHELPS. wit: JOHN HOOKER, ALEXR.(x)McKEB. Registered 23 Feb 1759 by Fr. Ward, PReg   305 (422) Deed book 1


1759  JAMES PHELPS JR. of Tyrrell Co. to BENJAMIN TARKENTON of same. -Dec 1759. 14 pounds proclamation. 160 acres on south side of Scuppenong River, joining Beaverdam Creek Swamp, Cypress Branch. JAMES PHELPS. Wit: ALEXANDER OLIVER, MARY(x)OLIVER Registered 6 Jul1761 by Fr. Ward, Register  30 (33) Deed book 4


1759 JAMES PHELPS SR. of Tyrrell Co. to SAMUEL WOODLAND of same. (no day) Mar 1759. 13 pounds 15 shillings VA. 100 acres called Burdenshall Island, on west side of Scuppernong River, joining Bull Creek. JAS. PHELPS. wit: ANDREW LONG, REBECKER(x)PHELPS. Registered 20 Aug 1759 by Fr. Ward, PReg  325(448)  Deedbook 1


1759   JOHN HOOKER of Tyrrell Co. to JAMES PHELPS JR. 8 Mar 1759. 75 pounds proclamation. Assigns all his riqht to a tract of land. JOHN HOOKER. Wit: JER. WYNNE, JOSP. ALEXANDER. Registerd 4 Jul 1759 by Fr. Wrd, Preg    321 (443) Deed book 1


1764 JAMES PHELPS SR. of Tyrrell Co. to EDWARD PHELPS SR. of same. 11 Jan 1764. 5 pounds. 75 acres which was part of a 350 acre Granville Grant to sd JAMES PHELPS SR. 24 Sep 1756, on west side of Scuppernong River, joining Supperlis Point Branch. JAMES PHELPS SR. Wit: JAMES PHELPS, EDWARD PHELPS. Sep Ct 1766. Fr. Ward, Clk  411 (33) Deed book 4    In 1729 seven of the eight Lord Proprietors sold their colonial holdings in Carolina to the Crown. The lone Proprietor was John Carteret, Earl Granville, who retained the Granville Tract in North Carolina without governing control until the American Revolution.

1765 JAMES PHELPS SR. of Tyrrell Co. to JACOB PHELPS of same. 10 Oct 1765. 10 pounds proclamation. 50 acres (messuage) on west side of Scuppernong River, joining Supperless Pint Branch, Derbies Ridge, EDWARD PHELPS, GEORGE OLIVER. JAMES PHELPS SR Wit: JEREMIAH FRAZIER, JOSEPH HUMPHREYS. Sep Ct 1766. Fr. Ward, Clerk  412 (35) Deed book 4


1765  JAMES PHELPS planter of Tyrrell Co. to JAMES PHELPS planter son of JAMES PHELPS SR. of same. 22 Ju11765. 5 pounds proclamation. 75 acres on east side of Scuppenong River, joining JOHN BATEMAN, sd JAMES PHELPS SR. JAMES PHELPS. Wit: JEREMIAH FRAZIER, JACOB PHELPS, AMOS PHELPS. Sep Ct 1766. Fr. Ward, Clk. [Note: Grantee is once written EDWARD Phelps.] 448 (87) Deed book 4


[Around 1765 - not dated]  JAMES PHELPS SR. planter of Tyrrell Co. to JOSEPH HUMPHRIES joyner of same. 10 pounds proclamation. 25 acres which was part of a Granville Grant to sd JAMES PHELPS, joining Scuppenong River, sd JAMES PHELPS, Scupperless Branch, Last Nick Branch, Scupperless Point Branch. JAMES PHELPS. Wit: .FRANCIS EZELLTON, ANTHONY ALEXANDER, EDW PHELPS. Sep Ct. Fr. Ward, Clerk   449 (89) Deed book 4   In 1729 seven of the eight Lord Proprietors sold their colonial holdings in Carolina to the Crown. The lone Proprietor was John Carteret, Earl Granville, who retained the Granville Tract in North Carolina without governing control until the American Revolution.


1777 AMOS(x)PHELPS planter of Tyrrell Co. to JAMES PHELPS JR. of same. 22 Feb 1777. 60£ proclamation. 50 acres on west side of Scuppernong River, joining ANTHONY ALEXANDER, JEREMIAH FRASIER, SAMUEL WOODLAND. Wit: J. FRASIER, ANDREW BATEMAN. May Ct 1777. J. Frasier Clerk   254 (65) Deed book 5, pt 2


1777 JAMES PHELPS JR. planter ofTyrrell Co. to AMOS PHELPS planter of same. 22 Feb 1777. 5£ proclamation. 75 acres which was part of a patent to JAMES PHELPS SR., on east side of Scuppenong River, joining JOHN BATEMAN, sd JAMES PHELPS. Wit: ANDREW BATEMAN, J. FRASIER. Feb  271 (94) Deed book 5



1777 JAMES PHELPS SR. planter of Tyrrell Co. to JOSHUA PHELPS of same. 20 May 1777. 50£ ~ proclamation. 25 acres on east side of Scuppernong River, joining Juniper Pocoson, EDWARD PHELPS,  JAMES PHELPS JR., JAMES PHELPS, JOSEPH CHAPMAN. Wit: J. FRASIER, JAMES PHELPS JR. .May Ct 1777. J. Frasier Clerk  257 (70) Deed book 5


1779  Granville Grant to JAMES PHELPS SR. of Tyrrell Co. 24 Sep 1756. 350 acres in St. Andrews  Parish on west side of Scuppernong River, joining JNO. BATEMAN, Bull Savannah, JAMES PHELPS JR. Fra. Corbin for Granville. Wit: WM. MAKEY, RICHD. VIGAR. Aug Ct 1779. Thos. Hoskins Clerk     366 (37) Deed book 5





1782 Tax list  James Jr    James Sr     Edwrd Senr     Edward    James



Phelps, James Estate 1778 NC Archives/Tyrrell Co. Estates - C.R.096.508.27

            James Phelps 17 Feb 1778. Bond for Edward Phelps to administer estate.  Bondsmen: Jeremiah Wynne, Jacob Phelpd   Estate Records 1734-1800 Abstracts


1793 James Phelps Jr.   Bondsman for Odin Galloway Estate


Phelps, J. Estate 1796 NC Archives/Tyrrell Co. Estates - C.R.096.508.27

            J. Phelps 1796 Bond for W. Hathaway to administer estate. Bodnsmen: Moses Davenport, Frederick Davenport. Estate Records 1734-1800 Abstracts



1799  Phelps, James  married Spruill, Mary 16 Nov 1799 Andrew Oliver   BOND

Phelps, James and Ann Chapman. Feb 17.1779 Stephen Swain.  Tyrrell at genealogy.com



Phelps, J. W. Estate 1882 NC Archives/Tyrrell Co. Estates - C.R.096.508.27




The following was copied from Granville District of NC Land Grants (5 volumes)


Tyrrell Land Grants


LORD GRANVILLE to:                     (OR: refers to original record)                             PATENT BOOK 12 --


2400 pg. 85 J0SIAH PHELPS 19 Novenber 1760 656 acres in Tyrrell County in the Parish of St Andrew on the S side of Scupernong River, joining the Fork of the sd river, beaver Creek, a Great Swamp, and the Creek Swamp   OR: /s/ JOSIAH PHELPS  Wits: THOS  BLOUNT,  THOS ROBINSON surveyed 10 April 1760   CC: JAMES PHELPS, JOSEPH PHELPS JOHN HARDISON Surveyor (?)


2402 pg. 86 EDWARD PHELPS ---  ------ 1749 640 acres in Tyrrell County on Scupernong River at a place called Commonly Bridge Land, joining the Beaver Creek and the river pocoson   OR: /s/ EDWARD PHELPS   Wits: DAN

WELDON, WM CHURTON surveyed 26 January 1748   OCC: JAS SPRUILL, THOS DAVES WILLM Surveyor


2404 pg .86 John PHELPS 30 September 1760  600 acres in Tyrrell  County in the Parish of St Andrew on the S E side of Scopernong River,  joining (a point) near the Rooleing Swamp, the Juniper Swamp, the Place called the Cowpen, the Savanah, the head and side of the Western SWamp, and GODFREY PHEI.PS   OR: /s/ (mark) Wits: JER WYNNE, THOS JONES examined by : THO JONES and RICHD VIGERS entered 10 April 1759  surveyed 1 December 1759 CC: SAMUEL WEST , JOSEPH CRADOCK   JNO CLAYTON  D S


2405 pg. 87 JAMES PHELPS SR 24 Septanber 1756 350 acres in Tyrrell County in the Parish of St Andrew on the W side of Scupernong River, joining JOHN BATEMAN, Bull Savannah, and JAMES PHELPS JR  OR: /s/ JAS PHELPS SR Wits: JEREMIAH SLADE, VM MACKEY surveyed 1 October 1753 SCC: : JON BATEMAN EDWD PHELPS JR   SAMIL DURRANCE D Sur


2406 pg. 87 JOSEPH PHELPS 20 Decanber 1756 320 acres in Tyrrell County in the Parish of St Andrew upon Second Creek on the E side of Scuppernong River, joining the River pocoson, the dismal, and Reedy Grounds -being Surplus land within ye Bounds of a patent dated 21 March 1742 Granted to GODFREY PHELPS for 498 acres   OR: /s/ (mark) Wits: RICHD VIGERS, JOSEPH TARKINGTON surveyed 16 May 1753  SCC: SAMUEL WEST, JOSHUA PHELPS  SAMLL DURRANCE D Sur


2408 pg .87 JAMES PHELPS JR 18 August 1755 165 acres in Tyrrell County in the Parish of St Andrew on the W side of Scuppernong River , joining ye W side of  Bull Branch and pocosoney Grounds   OR: /s/  JAS PHELPS  Wits: ALEX STEWART, WM MACKEY surveyed 13 March 1752  SCC: SAMIL WOODLAND, EDWD PHELPS SAMLL DURRANCE D Sur ( ? )


2409 pg .88   JAMES PHELPS JR 28 May 1753 345 acres in Tyrrell County on the E side of Scupperlung River , joining Beaver Creek and a Reedy pocoson  OR: /s/ JAMES PHELPS   Wits: WILIM HOSKINS, JAMES CAMPBELL  surveyed 13 February 1752    SCC: SAML WOODLAND,  EDWD PHELPS   SAMIL DURRANCE D Sur ( ? )




7870 JAMES PHELPS JR warrant dated 25 November 1751 to SAMUEL DURRANCE to survey 300 acres in Tyrrell County on both sides of Bull Branch, joining Pump Knott Ridge Survey on the West side of Scuppernong River  /s/  FRAS CORBIN Entered at Edenton 11 October 1751   Back of document reads: "165 Acres Deed 18 (?) August 1755" 


7871 JOHN PHELPS warrant dated 10 (?) April 1759 to JOHN CLAYTON to survey "Slrvey 640 acres in Tyrrell County on the East Side of Scuppernong River, joining GODFREY PHELPS -commonly called Sandy Islands  /s/ FRAS CORBIN   Entered 10 April 1759    Back of document reads: "Grant 30 September 1760 600 acres"


7872 JOSEPH PHELPS warrant dated 19 April 1753 to SAMUEL DURRANCE to survey ---acres in Tyrrel COunty -Vacant Land on second Creek on the East side of Scuppernong River within the courses and Distances of GODFREY Phelps's Decd Patent   /s/ FRAS CORBIN Entered 22 February 1753 Back of document reads: "Deed ?20 December 1756"


 7873 JOSIAH PHELPS of Tyrrel County  entry dated 4 March 1760 640 acres in Tyrrel County on the South side of Scuppernung River and on the West Side of the Bever Creek in the fork of the river and sd Creek -commonly called the Bare Grass Land   /s/ JOSIAH PHELPS Wit: JNO (?) WYNNE


Deed Book:  1780, James Phelps gets 325 acres in land grant.




Research from Brenda Emory


June 24, 1704, Patent Book 1, p. 131 Edward Phelps 24 June 1704 233 acres in Chowan precinct on the W. side of Cuscopening River called the Middle Station, joining the River Pocoson and a Branch called the potato chaw'd run. /s/Robt. Daniell, Francis Tomes, Tho. Pollock, John Arderne. ["Province of North Carolina 1663-1729 - Abstracts of Land Patents," M. M. Hoffman, 1979]

1706, list of people on John Davenport's Road (proceeding West from John) in Tyrrell District: Rich'd Davenport, Hen. Norman, Ro. Fewox, Sam'l Spruell, Godfrey Spruell (born 1650 - article in THE STATE, August 1, 1964), Joseph Spruell, La. Alexander, Cut. Phelps, Matt. Casswell, Sam'l Hopkins, Tho. Winn, Will Tarkinton, Chas Craddock, Jon. Swain, Jose. Fisher (From the book "Old Albemarle," by Ray) (also NC Reg 2:153)

Oct 18, 1715, recordings of a Chowan County Court proceedings September 18, 1715 include: "Ordered that a road be cleared from Doctor (Godfrey) Spruill's to Eliza. Long's and that John Davenport Rt. Fewox, and Cuthbert Phelps lay out the Road and that all Inhabitants from Clay's Creek to John Davenport's do assist in Clearing the sd. Road, and that John Davenport be appointed overseer of the road. John Davenport, Robt. Fewox, and Cuthbert Phelps are to lay out the road." (NC Reg 1:148)

Edward Philips to James Singleton July 27, 1715 Ober 25th 1715 (date registered) From original, Chowan Co. N.C. Deed Book B #1 Page 186 Phelps to Singleton, Deed of Sale Know all men by these presents y't I Edw'd Phelps of ye Province afs'd In Chowan Precinct for Valuable Consideration in hand paid ye receipt whereof I do acknowledge & my self therewith fully Satisfy'd & paid do by these presents Sell make over alien enfeoff one tract of Land Conteyning three hundred Seventy Six Acresas appears by a Survey of George Gladstains return'd unto the Secret'rys Office Lying on ye W't Side Scopernung River in ye Precinct afs'd binding on Jn's Ansley's head Line & ye Potato Run & so into the woods by a Line of Mark'd trees of Various Courses unto Jam's Singleton his Heirs & Assigns forever together with all woods ways Easem'ts & hereditam'ts all houses Earable grounds Water or water Courses & all other Profitts & Immunitys therein to belonging or any ways appertaining unto hime ye afs'd Jam's Singleton his Heirs or Assigns for ever. To have & to hold ye s'd Tract of Land with all the pr'mises Liberties & Rights qt to ye Same may any ways apppertain warranting the s'd Sale of Land from ye Claims of all persons w'tsoever unto him ye afsd. James Singleton his Heirs or Assifnes forever, And do hereby oblige my Self my Heirs & to give unto the Sd. Jam's Singleton his Heirs & Assifnes w't further assurance he or his Councill Learned in ye Law shall Reasonably devise or Require. In witness whereof I have here unto Sett my hand & Seall q's 27th of July 1715. Sign'd Seal'd & Deld Edw'd Phelps In presence of us Jno Wingate Robt Fewox
Note from researcher on this Singleton family:
Even though we don’t know when James came to the colonies we do know he had settled in Chowan Precinct of the old Albermale County, North Carolina by 1715. This would be the present day Washington County. He was a planter and probably grew corn and tobacco, which were the typical crops in early North Carolina. James lived in Washington County about six years. He first purchased a 376-acre tract from Edward Phelps on July 17, 1715. This land was south of the Albermale Sound, west of the Scuppernong River and bounded by the Putatana (misspelled as Potato) Run.
From early tax lists, the will of Godfrey Spruill and court records we can extract a list of James’ neighbors and family members. The family members included: father-in-law, Godfrey Spruill, brother-in-law, Samuel Spruill who’s wife was Elizabeth and son was Godfrey, brother-in-law Cuthbert Phelps who was marred to Susannah Spruill and brother-in-law Joseph Spruill. Neighbors were Alice Long, widow of James Long, Edward Phelps, John Tarkington, John Hopkins, Robert Hicks and John Davenport.

1717 Tax record for Albermale County Godfrey Spruill, Samuel Spruill, James Slingleton and Cuth. Phelps listed #’s 2,3,4,5 Old Albermale Co NC Miscellaneous Records 1678 to 1737, page 93 by Weynette Parks Haun
Note: 1717 Chowan Precinct tax list has Cuth. and Edward Phelps, (along with the Batemans, Alexanders,)

July 30, 1717 James Singleton to Godfrey Spruill. Land purchased from Edward Phelps to Godfrey Spruill. Chowan County Deed Book "B #1", Page 585

March 29, 1718 Court held a Queen Ann’s Creek in Chowan Precinct. Ordered that Richard Burtenshall be overseer of highway from Cuscopernung River to Thomas Long’s on South Shore and Anto. Alexander, SR oversee highway from Mr. Yates on Cuscopernung River to Clay’s Creek. Road is to cleared to its full length then to keep said road in their respective district. It is also ordered that James Long, Thomas Long, Jab. Blount, Thos Stealey, Wm Stealey, Jno. Swain, Jno Bennet, John Davenport, Samuell Spruill, James Slingleton, Joseph Spruill and Cuthbert Phelps be appointed a jury to lay out the said roads. North Carolina Higher Court Minutes Vol. V, page 158, William S. Price

1723 Cuthbert Phelps listed on Jurymans list in Chown Precinct

1729-32 Quit rent rolls Tyrrell co (this is the year the county was formed correct?)
Edward Phelps and James Phelps

Sep 5, 1740, Court ordered that a road be laid out from the main road to Samuel Spruil's. Landing. Mentions a section "from the Bark Poplar Bridge to the Back Landing". Jury of Samll. Spruill Esqr., Joseph Spruill, Sr., John Davenport, Sr., John Swain, Godfree Phelps, Mathew Caswell, John Davenport, Jr., Henry Norman, Samll. Spruil, Jr., Sollomon Ansley, Thos. Bateman, Richard Davenport, Edwd. Phelps, and John Snell. Minutes of the September, 1740 session of the Tyrrell County, NC Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 1:86.

Tyrell co processioners report 1747-48 pg 32
And from thence to the Land of Edward Phelps Begining at a Gum upon the River Pecossin John Bateman's Corner Tree then along the Sd. Bateman's Line to the Body of Reeds then up the Sd. Body of Reeds to the Hooles (?) to a Corner Tree then to his Brothers James Phelps Line to the River Percossen then along the Sd. Percossen to the first Station Containing 162 Acors of Land. And from thence to the Land of James Phelps Begining at the River Percossin upon his Brothers Edward Phelps Line then along the Sd Phelpses Line to Bull Branch then alon Bull Branch to the River Percossin to the first Station Containing 369 (?) Acors of Land.
pg 36
And from thence to the Land of Edward Phelps Begining at a Gum upon the River Pecossin John Bateman's Corner Tree then along the Sd. Bateman's Line to the Body of Reeds then up the Sd. Body of Reeds to the Hooles (?) to a Corner Tree then to his Brothers James Phelps Line to the River Percossen then along the Sd. Percossen to the first Station Containing 162 Acors of Land. And from thence to the Land of James Phelps Begining at the River Percossin upon his Brothers Edward Phelps Line then along the Sd Phelpses Line to Bull Branch then alon Bull Branch to the River Percossin to the first Station Containing 369 (?) Acors of Land.

1755 tyrell tax list : Edward has son Edward, James has son Edward (so with this.... is James and Edward(above named brothers) father Edward 1704 or is this James the brother of Edward 1704?)

Anthony Alexander of Tyrrell Co. W-------ord (?) Alexander 25 Jun 1743 500 L Edward Phelps, Thomas Bateman & Roger Snell Edward Phelps appointed 25 Jun 1743 W. Kennedy & (?) Edward Phelps, Thos. Bateman & Roger Snell

Godfree Phelps Godfree Phelps, John Phelps & Sarah Phelps -- --- 1759 200 L John Phelps, Jeremiah Wynne & John Parish, all of Tyrrell Co. John Philps appointed 5 Jun 1759 with consent of orphans Fr. Ward & Isaac Davenport John Philps & Jr. Wynne
Note: Godfrey helps was the son of Cuthbert Phelps who married Sussanah Spruill her fathers name was Godfrey? But here a John Phelps enters the picture......

As stated earlier James Sr and jr on the 54 militia list,


From the "The Lake Company and the Origins of Somerset "

"Around 1755, a group of local hunters ventured into the forbidding swamp in search of firm land for farming. According to tradition, most of them had turned back when a man named Benjamin Tarkinton climbed a tree and spotted a large lake. Before Tarkinton could get down, hunter Josiah Phelps ran to the lake, entered the water, and asserted the right to name it Lake Phelps. "
From the history of Pettigrew State Park:
Before colonists discovered Lake Phelps in 1755, area residents called the swampy area the Great Eastern Dismal and the Great Alligator Dismal. The wilderness was so fearsome that explorers refused to enter its borders. Tradition maintains that a group of hunters ventured into this "haunt of beasts" to hunt and to look for farmland. Most of the men turned back, but just as the remaining few were about to leave, Benjamin Tarkington climbed a tree and saw the lake a short distance away. His companion, Josiah Phelps, ran into the water while Tarkington was still up in the tree. The first in the water, he claimed the right to name it Lake Phelps



I am trying to find out more about the Fewox (Fox) that imported the Phelps to NC that may help a little bit. But the more I look the more questions I have in my mind , I wonder if ALL of the Phelps there were related, even the Henry Phelps line. Have you ever read if he had any other brothers other than Nicholas???? I am jumping ahead here sorry!

Let me throw some ref. your way to give you a general idea of where we have to go .

As stated earlier the earliest record I can find on this group of Phelps is in 1702 (keep in mind that I am working entirely online with this so my resources are limited, thats where your advantage will come in very handy!)
1702 for Cuthbert and Barth. Phelps. those records were filed in Perquimans district, but as I said that is where the Tyrrell records were filed in those years. Is this Barth Bartholomew or is it another Cuthberth????? Berth, Barth, with early spelling it is really had to tell.

Now from there:

June 24, 1704, Patent Book 1, p. 131 Edward Phelps 24 June 1704 233 acres in Chowan precinct on the W. side of Cuscopening River called the Middle Station, joining the River Pocoson and a Branch called the potato chaw'd run. /s/Robt. Daniell, Francis Tomes, Tho. Pollock, John Arderne. ["Province of North Carolina 1663-1729 - Abstracts of Land Patents," M. M. Hoffman, 1979]

1706, list of people on John Davenport's Road (proceeding West from John) in Tyrrell District: Rich'd Davenport, Hen. Norman, Ro. Fewox, Sam'l Spruell, Godfrey Spruell (born 1650 - article in THE STATE, August 1, 1964), Joseph Spruell, La. Alexander, Cut. Phelps, Matt. Casswell, Sam'l Hopkins, Tho. Winn, Will Tarkinton, Chas Craddock, Jon. Swain, Jose. Fisher (From the book "Old Albemarle," by Ray) (also NC Reg 2:153)

Oct 18, 1715, recordings of a Chowan County Court proceedings September 18, 1715 include: "Ordered that a road be cleared from Doctor (Godfrey) Spruill's to Eliza. Long's and that John Davenport Rt. Fewox, and Cuthbert Phelps lay out the Road and that all Inhabitants from Clay's Creek to John Davenport's do assist in Clearing the sd. Road, and that John Davenport be appointed overseer of the road. John Davenport, Robt. Fewox, and Cuthbert Phelps are to lay out the road." (NC Reg 1:148)

Edward Philips to James Singleton July 27, 1715 Ober 25th 1715 (date registered) From original, Chowan Co. N.C. Deed Book B #1 Page 186 Phelps to Singleton, Deed of Sale Know all men by these presents y't I Edw'd Phelps of ye Province afs'd In Chowan Precinct for Valuable Consideration in hand paid ye receipt whereof I do acknowledge & my self therewith fully Satisfy'd & paid do by these presents Sell make over alien enfeoff one tract of Land Conteyning three hundred Seventy Six Acresas appears by a Survey of George Gladstains return'd unto the Secret'rys Office Lying on ye W't Side Scopernung River in ye Precinct afs'd binding on Jn's Ansley's head Line & ye Potato Run & so into the woods by a Line of Mark'd trees of Various Courses unto Jam's Singleton his Heirs & Assigns forever together with all woods ways Easem'ts & hereditam'ts all houses Earable grounds Water or water Courses & all other Profitts & Immunitys therein to belonging or any ways appertaining unto hime ye afs'd Jam's Singleton his Heirs or Assigns for ever. To have & to hold ye s'd Tract of Land with all the pr'mises Liberties & Rights qt to ye Same may any ways apppertain warranting the s'd Sale of Land from ye Claims of all persons w'tsoever unto him ye afsd. James Singleton his Heirs or Assifnes forever, And do hereby oblige my Self my Heirs & to give unto the Sd. Jam's Singleton his Heirs & Assifnes w't further assurance he or his Councill Learned in ye Law shall Reasonably devise or Require. In witness whereof I have here unto Sett my hand & Seall q's 27th of July 1715. Sign'd Seal'd & Deld Edw'd Phelps In presence of us Jno Wingate Robt Fewox
Note from researcher on this Singleton family:
Even though we don’t know when James came to the colonies we do know he had settled in Chowan Precinct of the old Albermale County, North Carolina by 1715. This would be the present day Washington County. He was a planter and probably grew corn and tobacco, which were the typical crops in early North Carolina. James lived in Washington County about six years. He first purchased a 376-acre tract from Edward Phelps on July 17, 1715. This land was south of the Albermale Sound, west of the Scuppernong River and bounded by the Putatana (misspelled as Potato) Run.
From early tax lists, the will of Godfrey Spruill and court records we can extract a list of James’ neighbors and family members. The family members included: father-in-law, Godfrey Spruill, brother-in-law, Samuel Spruill who’s wife was Elizabeth and son was Godfrey, brother-in-law Cuthbert Phelps who was marred to Susannah Spruill and brother-in-law Joseph Spruill. Neighbors were Alice Long, widow of James Long, Edward Phelps, John Tarkington, John Hopkins, Robert Hicks and John Davenport.

1717 Tax record for Albermale County Godfrey Spruill, Samuel Spruill, James Slingleton and Cuth. Phelps listed #’s 2,3,4,5 Old Albermale Co NC Miscellaneous Records 1678 to 1737, page 93 by Weynette Parks Haun
Note: 1717 Chowan Precinct tax list has Cuth. and Edward Phelps, (along with the Batemans, Alexanders,)

July 30, 1717 James Singleton to Godfrey Spruill. Land purchased from Edward Phelps to Godfrey Spruill. Chowan County Deed Book "B #1", Page 585

March 29, 1718 Court held a Queen Ann’s Creek in Chowan Precinct. Ordered that Richard Burtenshall be overseer of highway from Cuscopernung River to Thomas Long’s on South Shore and Anto. Alexander, SR oversee highway from Mr. Yates on Cuscopernung River to Clay’s Creek. Road is to cleared to its full length then to keep said road in their respective district. It is also ordered that James Long, Thomas Long, Jab. Blount, Thos Stealey, Wm Stealey, Jno. Swain, Jno Bennet, John Davenport, Samuell Spruill, James Slingleton, Joseph Spruill and Cuthbert Phelps be appointed a jury to lay out the said roads. North Carolina Higher Court Minutes Vol. V, page 158, William S. Price

1723 Cuthbert Phelps listed on Jurymans list in Chown Precinct

1729-32 Quit rent rolls Tyrrell co (this is the year the county was formed correct?)
Edward Phelps and James Phelps

Sep 5, 1740, Court ordered that a road be laid out from the main road to Samuel Spruil's. Landing. Mentions a section "from the Bark Poplar Bridge to the Back Landing". Jury of Samll. Spruill Esqr., Joseph Spruill, Sr., John Davenport, Sr., John Swain, Godfree Phelps, Mathew Caswell, John Davenport, Jr., Henry Norman, Samll. Spruil, Jr., Sollomon Ansley, Thos. Bateman, Richard Davenport, Edwd. Phelps, and John Snell. Minutes of the September, 1740 session of the Tyrrell County, NC Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 1:86.

Tyrell co processioners report 1747-48 pg 32
And from thence to the Land of Edward Phelps Begining at a Gum upon the River Pecossin John Bateman's Corner Tree then along the Sd. Bateman's Line to the Body of Reeds then up the Sd. Body of Reeds to the Hooles (?) to a Corner Tree then to his Brothers James Phelps Line to the River Percossen then along the Sd. Percossen to the first Station Containing 162 Acors of Land. And from thence to the Land of James Phelps Begining at the River Percossin upon his Brothers Edward Phelps Line then along the Sd Phelpses Line to Bull Branch then alon Bull Branch to the River Percossin to the first Station Containing 369 (?) Acors of Land.
pg 36
And from thence to the Land of Edward Phelps Begining at a Gum upon the River Pecossin John Bateman's Corner Tree then along the Sd. Bateman's Line to the Body of Reeds then up the Sd. Body of Reeds to the Hooles (?) to a Corner Tree then to his Brothers James Phelps Line to the River Percossen then along the Sd. Percossen to the first Station Containing 162 Acors of Land. And from thence to the Land of James Phelps Begining at the River Percossin upon his Brothers Edward Phelps Line then along the Sd Phelpses Line to Bull Branch then alon Bull Branch to the River Percossin to the first Station Containing 369 (?) Acors of Land.

1755 tyrell tax list : Edward has son Edward, James has son Edward (so with this.... is James and Edward(above named brothers) father Edward 1704 or is this James the brother of Edward 1704?)

Anthony Alexander of Tyrrell Co. W-------ord (?) Alexander 25 Jun 1743 500 L Edward Phelps, Thomas Bateman & Roger Snell Edward Phelps appointed 25 Jun 1743 W. Kennedy & (?) Edward Phelps, Thos. Bateman & Roger Snell

Godfree Phelps Godfree Phelps, John Phelps & Sarah Phelps -- --- 1759 200 L John Phelps, Jeremiah Wynne & John Parish, all of Tyrrell Co. John Philps appointed 5 Jun 1759 with consent of orphans Fr. Ward & Isaac Davenport John Philps & Jr. Wynne
Note: Godfrey helps was the son of Cuthbert Phelps who married Sussanah Spruill her fathers name was Godfrey? But here a John Phelps enters the picture......



Research from Gwen Boyer Bjorkman  gwenbj@seanet.com

Margaret M. Hofmann, Colony of North Carolina 1735-1764 Abstracts of Land Patents, Volume One (Weldon, NC: The Roanoke News Co., 1982) pp. 147, 202.


2047 pg. 27  EDWARD PHELPS  12 March 1740/1  83 acres in Tyrrell County on the W. side of Scupernong river joining the edge of the river Pocoson, Bull branch, and Punknot line.
2898 pg. 236.  GODFREY PHELPS 21 March 1742/3  498 acres in Tyrrell County on the S side of Scupernong river, joining the Second creek, Second Creek Pocoson, WILLIAM WEST, the Edge of the river pocoson, the Dismal and the Savanna.

Josiah Phelps  

Before colonists discovered Lake Phelps in 1755, area residents called the swampy area the Great Eastern Dismal and the Great Alligator Dismal. The wilderness was so fearsome that explorers refused to enter its borders. Tradition maintains that a group of hunters ventured into this "haunt of beasts" to hunt and to look for farmland. Most of the men turned back, but just as the remaining few were about to leave, Benjamin Tarkington climbed a tree and saw the lake a short distance away. His companion, Josiah Phelps, ran into the water while Tarkington was still up in the tree. The first in the water, he claimed the right to name it Lake Phelps.

From Gwen Bjorkman:
From http://www.mindspring.com/~jsruss/colonial/Spruill1754.htm

A  True and Just List of free men or Melisha of the Company belonging to Capt. Samll. Spruill Jun.
Jams Phelps Senr. Joshua Phelps
Jams Phelps Junr. Joseph Paget
Edward Phelps Senr. Sollomon Paget
Edward Phelps Junr. John Tarkonton
Josiah Phelps

 PATENT BOOK 12 --   2400 pg. 85 J0SIAH PHELPS 19 Novenber 1760 656 acres in Tyrrell County in the Parish of St Andrew on the S side of Scupernong River, joining the Fork of the sd river, beaver Creek, a Great Swamp, and the Creek Swamp   OR: /s/ JOSIAH PHELPS  Wits: THOS  BLOUNT,  THOS ROBINSON surveyed 10 April 1760   CC: JAMES PHELPS, JOSEPH PHELPS JOHN HARDISON Surveyor (?)

From Some Deed Abstracts Washington, Tyrrell &  a few from Chowan Counties North Carolina Section 1: 1716 - 1788   http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~haas/lotsofnames/deedsabstracts.html


Josiah Phelps, David Ambrose, John Earl, J I Jones, Edward Phelps
   Tyrrell County, North Carolina, Deed Book 4, pages 113, 1 Sep 1761, ... Josiah Phelps to David Ambrose ... Fifteen Pounds ... One Hundred Acres ... on West Side of Basin Creek ... middle of the savana ... river swamp ... being part of a tract of land containing six hundred and fifty acres granted to the said Josiah Phelps by a deed of grant from John Earl of Granville, bearing date of 20 Oct 1761 ... Signed: Josiah Phelps (seal) ... Witnesses: J I Jones, Edward Phelps

Josiah Phelps, Jesse Ambrose, John Earl Graville, David Ambrose, Benjamin Tarkington
   Tyrrell County, North Carolina, Deed Book 4, page 175, 16 Nov 1761, Proven in open court Dec Term 1761, Registered 25 Feb 1762 ... Josiah Phelps to Jesse Ambros ... Thirty Pounds Current money of Virginia ... One Hundred Acres ... on the West side of Beaver Creek ... Moccason [Moccasin] Creek ... the Rattle Snake [Rattlesnake] land ... along the Dismal ... in the Savana ...Hassell's corner ... being part of a tract of six hundred acres to Josiah Phelps by grant from the right Honorable John Earl Granville, bearing the date of 20 Oct 1760 [the other deeds referencing this grant had the date 1761], reference thereunto being had may more simply appear ... Signed: Josiah Phelps (seal) ... Witnesses: David Ambros, Benjamin Tarkington

David Ambrose, Robert Davis, Josiah Phelps, John Kinneson, John Harrison, I C Ambrose, J Ambrose
   Tyrrell County, North Carolina, Deed Book 4, page 100-101, 11 Feb 1767, Registered 19 May 1780 ... David Ambrose to Robert Davis ... Thirty Pounds Proclamation money ... One Hundred Acres ... on west side of Beaver Creek ... River Posacin ... being part of a tract of six hundred acres to Josiah Phelps by grant from the right Honorable John Earl Granville, bearing the date of 20 Oct 1761, reference thereunto being had may more simply appear ... Signed: David Ambrose (seal) ... Witnesses: John Kinneson (Harrison ?), I C Ambrose, J Ambrose

Charles Pettigrew, Josiah Phelps
   Tyrrell County, North Carolina, Deed Book 8, page 287, 29 Oct 1782
, Recorded 23 Oct 1783 (fragment) ... State of North Carolina granting Fifty acres to Charles Pettigrew ... 50 shillings per 100 acres ... on north side of Lake Phelps ... back corner of Josiah Phelps' survey ...
 Josiah Phelps, John Davenport, Jon Bateman
   Tyrrell County, North Carolina, Deed Book 10, pages 203, Proven in Open court Jan Term 1788,
Registered 9 Feb 1788 (fragment) ... Signed by Josiah Phelps ... Witnesses: John Davenport, Jon Bateman

Joseph Davenport, John Davis Jr, Andrew Bateman, J Phelps Jr
   Tyrrell County, North Carolina, Deed Book 10, pages 203-204, Proven in Open court Jan Term 1788, Registered 15 Feb 1788 ... Joseph Davenport to John Davis Jr ... Fifty Pounds current money ... Fifty acres ... West side of Scuppernong River ... Andrew Bateman's line ... north side of the Lake ... Signed: Joseph Davenport ... Witness J Phelps Jr

John Davis, Robert Davis, J Phelps Jr
   Tyrrell County, North Carolina, Deed Book 10, pages 203, 15 Jan 1788, Proven in Open court Jan Term 1788, Registered 15 Feb 1788 ... John Davis Sr to John Davis Jr .. Fifty pounds current money ... for Fifty acres ... at head of Scuppernong river ... Gum Swamp ... river Pocosin ... Robert Davis' line .. signed: John (his X mark) Davis ... Witnesses: J Phelps Jr

Gwen Boyer Bjorkman

From David Phelps:

I don't know the status of the Tyrrell County records, but if they are complete anything
after 1729 up until 1799, when Washington County was formed from western Tyrrell,
should give some information on him and other Phelps families.  The Washington County
records would contain many Phelps references, but only after 1799, and there are still
quite a few Phelps families there today.
Remember that they "discovered" the lake in 1755, so Gwen's records would have to have
Josiah or other Phelps moving from Perquimans at least prior to 1750.