What is the Population of Trinidad, California?

According to the U.S. Census, 367 persons resided in Trinidad, California in 2010. This count pertains only to residents within the official Trinidad City Limits:

[Map of Trinidad City Limits]

Trinidad City Limits

Many more with Trinidad, CA 95570 mailing addresses reside outside of the City Limits. In the 2010 Census, 2,579 persons resided in the ZIP code tabulation area. The 95570 ZIP includes the City of Trinidad plus unincorporated coastal neighborhoods from just north of Humboldt Lagoons State Park to Crannell:

[Map of the 95570 ZIP code area]

The 95570 ZIP code area

For historical population trends and demographics, please go to Wikipedia.

According to the U.S. Census, 367 persons resided in Trinidad, California in 2010. This count pertains only to residents within the official City Limits:

[Map of Trinidad City Limits]

Trinidad City Limits

Many more with Trinidad, CA 95570 mailing addresses reside outside of the City Limits. In the 2010 Census, 2,579 persons resided in the ZIP code tabulation area. The 95570 ZIP includes the City of Trinidad plus unincorporated coastal neighborhoods from just north of Humboldt Lagoons State Park to Crannell:

[Map of the 95570 ZIP code area]

The 95570 ZIP code area

For historical population trends and demographics, please go to Wikipedia.

The U.S. Census reported in 2010 that 367 persons resided within the City Limits of Trinidad, California:

[Map of Trinidad City Limits]

Trinidad City Limits

More with Trinidad, CA 95570 mailing addresses reside outside of the City Limits. In the 2010 Census, 2,579 persons resided in the ZIP code tabulation area. The 95570 ZIP includes the City of Trinidad plus unincorporated neighborhoods from just north of Humboldt Lagoons State Park to Crannell:

[Map of the 95570 ZIP code area]

The 95570 ZIP code area

For historical population trends and demographics, go to Wikipedia.