Application for Artificial Limb Commutation.

STATE of VIRGINIA:  In the County Court of Bedford County, the 22nd day of May, 1882.

In the matter of the application of Benjamin T. Overstreet, of Bedford County, and State of Virginia, under the act approved February 14, 1882, entitled “An act to provide commutation to such maimed soldiers, sailors, and marines, in lieu of artificial limbs or eyes, as may not heretofore have received the same under the provisions of former acts” – said act providing (1) for those who have not heretofore received limbs or eyes, or commutation in money for the same, under any acts of the General Assembly heretofore passed for that purpose; (2) for those who have been disabled in such manner as to prevent the use of limbs or eyes in manual labor, or otherwise disabled from performance of manual labor, induced by wounds or surgical operations rendered necessary thereby; (3) for those who have received an artificial limb, and upon satisfactory proof that the limb has been worn out or destroyed by accident; and (4) for those who have received $30 under the act of February 9, 1879.  And the Court being satisfied from proper testimony, that the applicant is now, and was a the time he was disabled, a citizen of Virginia; that he was disabled, maimed, or wounded, or lost his limb or eye in the late war, or in a military corps of this State, or during temporary absence from the Commonwealth of Virginia, which is ordered to be certified to the auditor of public accounts, together with other facts and testimony of witnesses sworn and examined, in the words and figures following, to-wit:

“I - The applicant stated that during the late war he was a member of Co. B., 58th Virginia Regiment in the service of the Confederate States, that at the Battle of Sharpsburg he was wounded by a gunshot wound in the left side of the breast, that from the affect of said wounds his breast is often sore, is sore whenever he exerts himself any, that he is a good clear disabled in the performance of manual labor, that he is now and was at the time he was wounded a resident of the County of Bedford, and that he has never applied for or received an artificial limb or commutation heretofore any source whatever.

II – Peter M. Wright testified that the applicant was a member of his Company (B), 58th Virginia Regiment (Infantry), in the late war and was wounded in the Sharpsburg Fight, Maryland.

III – Dr. Edmund W. Sale testified that he had examined applicant and found that he had received a gunshot wound of Infra mannuary of left side over the left lobe of the liver & base of left lung which he says incapacitates him from active service or exercise of any kind, that he has suffered at times with slight Haemostysis and several times some hemorrhages from the bowels & that he says he is not able to perform manual labor as before”.

Full name of applicant, Benjamin T. Overstreet

Residence,  Bedford County, Virginia

Post Office address,  Bonsacks, Roanoke County, Virginia

                 A copy-Teste:   Ro. S. Quarles, clerk


Office Auditor Public Accounts,

Richmond, Va., April 26th 1884,

I, this day, forwarded to Ben T. Overstreet of Roanoke County by mail to Bonsacks a check on Nat-Bank N.Y. Bank, for the sum of $60; the amount to which he is entitled under an Act approved February 25, 1884, appropriating $60 to maimed and disabled soldiers and marines.    C. Lee Morn  Clerk


Bonsacks, Roanoke County, Va.,  May 9, 1884

Received of Auditor of Public Accounts, check on _____ Bank for $60; the same being payment in full of the commutation money allowed me by an Act approved February 25, 1884, appropriating $60,000 to maimed and disabled soldiers and marines.        B.T. Overstreet


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