Discharge of Benjamin T. Overstreet from Confederate Army - 1863

I Certify, that the within named Benjamin T. Overstreet, a Private of Captain Jubal D. Meador Company B of the Fifty Eighth Regiment of Virginia Volunteers, born in Bedford County in the State of Virginia, aged Forty years, five feet, seven inches high, fair complexion, blue eyes, red hair, and by occupation a farmer was enlisted by J.D. Meador at Stewartsville on the 24th day of August 1861, to serve one year, and is now entitled to discharge by reason of paragraph V, General Orders No. 77, Current  Serie of 1862 cc & J.G.O.

The said Benjamin T. Overstreet was last paid by Capt. Jos. A. McClung to include the 31st day of December 1862, and has pay due from that date to the present date.

There is due to him Twenty 80/100 Dollars traveling allowance from Hambleton Crossing, the place of discharge, to Stewartsville 208 miles, the place of enrolment, transportation not being furnished in kind.

There is due him twenty-two dollars & commutation for clothing $20.00.

He is indebted to the Confederate States ------- Dollars on account of -------. 

Given in duplicate at Hambleton Crossing, this 2nd day of March 1863.

                                                                                                        J.D. Meador Capt – Commanding Company.


For pay from 1st of January 1863, to 2nd of March 1863, being two months and two days, at Eleven Dollars per month,  [$22.73].  For pay for traveling from Hamilton Crossing to Stewartsville, Bedford County, being 208 miles, at ten cents per mile, [$20.80] – Total Amount – [$43.53] – Deduct for clothing overdrawn, [---] Balance paid, [$43.53]


Received of Capt. J. A. McClung  AQM C.S. Army, this 4th day of March 1863, Forty Three dollars and 53 cents, in full of the above account.

                                                                 B.T. Overstreet  “X”

Witness:  J.D. Meador, Capt. Comdg Co.


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