Bible of John Henry Preas & Eliza Overstreet Preas

                     These are pages from the bible of John & Eliza Preas - it may have been handed down

                     from Joseph Preas Jr. & Mahala Parker Preas, but we don't know.  These copies were

                     donated by Dovie Preas Crowell & Gerald Preas - If you have an old Family Bible, please

                    e-mail scanned copies to 




         Transcribed records taken from the above Preas Bible - copy given to me by Dovie Crowell & Gerald Preas

                               (**note, some of the Handwriting was Difficult to read, smeared) 

James R. Preas was born Feb 11, 1881
(Jeaney?) L. Preas was born Sept. 11(or 1st), 1890
Annie O. Preas was born april 19, 1893 (or 1898?)
James (R or F?) Preas June 4 1901

George W. Preas was born June 13, 1851
Amy E. Preas was born July 6, 1853
Mahala F. Preas was born December 12, 1855
Joel R. pras was born October 18, 1858
James T. Candleas was born December 4, 1866
Mahala (A. or H.?) Candleas was born October 4, 1861

Joseph Preas and Mahala L Preas married august 5, 1835

Joseph Preas died September 8, 1860
James T. Preas died January 13, 1862
OHahala (Mahala) L. Prease died January 8, 1890

Joseph Preas was born May 2, 1811
Mahala L. Preas was born Nov. 7, 1819
Charles W. Preas was born april 28, 1836
William E. Preas was born January 6, 1838
Martha A. Preas was born February 7, 1840
Joseph N. Preas was born March 27, 1842
James T. Preas was born November 3, 1843
Sarah L. Preas was born May 22, (1848 or 1846?)
John H. Preas was born (the rest is blurred)

June the 9 (unreadalbe) /68?
This is to certify to the clerk of the county court of Bedford that John H. Preas has our consent to Marry our
daughter Elizy Susan Overstreet.  Benjamin T. Overstreet & Ann Overstreet
Witness  Daniel E. Pearcy (sworn)

June 9, 1868
This is to certify to the clerk of county court of Bedford that my son John H. Preas has my consent to marry
wife Elizy S. Overstreet.
Mahala L. Preas
Witness   Caniel E. Pearcy (sworn)

**From Marriage certificate of John H. & Mahala Preas

Ministers Return of Marriage

I certify, that on the 11th day of June, 1868, at Benjamin T. Overstreets, I united in marriage the above named and described 
parties, under authority of the annexed License.
G. Wheeler


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