Confederate Muster Roll of

Charles W. Preas

Co. D, 28th Virginia Infantry


**Roll #1 - Charles W. Preas - Pvt - Capt. Wm. Lewis Wingfield's Co. (Piedmont Rifles), 28th Reg't Virginia Infantry - Age: 25 years ~ Appears on Company Muster Roll of the organization named above, from the County of Bedford, for May 20 to June 30, 1861 - dated June 30, 1861. Enrolled for active service: When: May 20, 1861 - Where: Stewartsville, Bedford Va - By Whom: Capt Wm Lewis Wingfield - Mustered into service: May 22, 1861 - Where: Lynchburg, VA - By Whom: Col D.A. Langhorn - No. of miles to place of muster-in: 50

*****About the 28th Reg't******* This company was successively designated as Captain Wingfield's Company, Company E. and company D, 28th Regiment Virginia Infantry. The 28th Reg't Virginia Infantry was accepted into the service of the Confederate States July 1, 1861, with ten Companies, A to K. (1st) Company E had been transferred from the regiment in June, 1861, and subsequently became Company C and finally became Capt.John R. Johnston's Company Virginia Light Artillery. Company H was reorganized as an artillery organization December 24, 1861, and finally became Capt. Douthat's Company Virginia Light Artillery. The Regiment was reorganized about May 1, 1862, with nine companies.

** Roll #2 - Charles W. Preas - Pvt., Co E., 28th Reg't Virginia Infantry Appears on company Muster Roll of the organization named above, for July & Aug 1861 - dated Aug 31, 1861. Enlisted: When: May 20, 1861 - Where: Stewartsville - By Whom: W L Wingfield - Period: 12 Mos - Present or Absent: Present

** Roll #3 - Charles W. Preas - Pvt., Co. D, 28th Reg't Virginia Infantry Appears on a company Muster Roll of the organization named above, for Sept & Oct 1861 - dated Oct 31, 1861 - Enlisted: When: May 20, 1861 - Where: Stewartsville - By Whom: Wm Lewis Wingfield - Period: 12 mos - Present or Absent: Present

** Roll #4 - Charles W. Preas - Pvt., Co. D, 28th Reg't Virginia Infantry Appears on a Company Muster Roll of the organization named above, for Nov & Dec 1861 - dated Dec 31, 1861 - Enlisted: When: May 20, 1861 - Where: Stewartsville - By Whom: WL Wingfield - Period: 12 mos - Last Paid: By whom: Capt. Holt - To What Time: Oct 31, 186? - Present or absent: Present

** Roll #5 - Charles W. Preas - Pvt., Co. D, 28th Reg't Virginia Infantry - Appears on a Company Muster Roll of the organization named above, for Jan & Feb 1862 - dated Feb 28, 1862 - Enlisted: When: May 20, 1861 - Where: Stewartsville - By Whom: Capt Wingfield Period: 12 Mos - Last Paid: By Whom - Capt. Holt - Present or Absent: Absent - Remarks: on reenlisted furlough for 36 days from 13 Feb.

** Roll #6 - Charles W. Preas - Pvt, Co. D., 28th Reg't Virginia Infantry - Appears on a Company Muster Roll of the organization named above, for March & Apl 1862 - Dated May 1, 1862 - Enlisted: When: May 20, 186? - Where: Stewartsville - By Whom: Capt Wingfield - Period: 12 mos - Last Paid: By whom: Holt - To what time: 28 Feb 186? Present or Absent: Present

** Roll #7 - Charles W. Preas - Pvt., Co. D., 28th Reg't Virginia Infantry Appears on a Company Muster Roll of the organization named above, for May & June 1862 - Not Dated Enlisted: When: May 20, 1862 - Where: Stewartsville - By Whom: Capt Wingfield - Period: (Blank) - Last Paid: By Whom: Capt Holt - To what Time: 30 Apl 186? - Present or Absent: Present

** Roll #8 - Charles W. Preas - Pvt., Co. D., 28th Reg't Virginia Infantry - Appears on a Company Muster Roll of the organization named above, for July & Aug 1862 - Not Dated - Enlisted: When: May 20, 186? - Where: Stewartsville - By whom: Capt Wingfield Period: 1 yr - Last Paid: By whom: Capt Holt - To What Time: 30 Apl 186? - Present or Absent: Present

** Roll #9 - Charles W. Preas - Pvt., Co. D, 28th Reg't Virginia Infantry - Appears; on a Company Muster Roll of the organization named above, for Sept & Oct, 1862 - Not Dated - Enlisted: When: May 20, 1861 - Where: Stewartsville - By Whom: Wingfield - Period: 1 yr - Last Paid: By Whom: Capt Holt - To What Time: Aug 31, 1862 - Present or Absent: Absent - Remarks: on Detached Service.

@@@@ Appears on Hospital Muster Roll of New School Presbyterian Church Hospital, at Winchester, VA. for Sept 17 to Nov 1, 1862 - Dated Nov 1, 1862. Attached to Hospital: When: Sept 23, 1862 - How Employed: Nurse - Present or absent: Present

** Roll #10 - Charles W. Preas - Pvt., co. D., 28th Reg't Virginia Infantry - Appears on a Company Muster Roll of the organization named above, for Nov & Dec 1862 - Dated Dec 31 - Enlisted: When: May 20, 1861 - Where: Stewartsville - by Whom: Capt Wingfield Period: 1 yr - Last Paid: by whom: Capt Wingfield - To what Time: Oct 31 186? - Present or Absent: Present

** Roll #11 - Charles W. Preas - Pvt., Co. D., 28th Reg't Virginia Infantry : Appears on a Company Muster Roll of the organization named above, for Jan & Feb 1803 - Dated May 1863. Enlisted: When: May 20, 1861 - Where: Stewartsville - By whom: Capt Wingfield Period: 1 year - Last Paid: by whom: Capt Holt - To what Time: Dec 31, 1862 - Present or absent: Present

** Roll #12 - Charles W. Preas - Pvt., Co. D., 28th Reg't Virginia Infantry - Appears on a Company Muster Roll of the organization named above, for March & Apl 1863 - Dated Apl 30, 1863 - Enlisted: When: May 20, 1861 - Where: Stewartsville - By Whom: Capt Wingfield Period: 1 yr - Last Paid: By whom: Capt Holt - To what time: Feb 28 1803. Present or absent: Present

** Roll #13 - Charles W. Preas - Pvt., Co. D., 28th Reg't Virginia Infantry - Appears on a Company Muster Roll of the orgainzation named above, for May & June 1863 - Not Dated Enlisted: When: May 20, 1861 - Where: Stewartsville - By whom: Capt Wingfield Period: 1 yr - Last Paid: By whom: Capt Holt - To what time: Feb 28,1863 - Present or absent: (Blank) - Remarks: Transferred to Co. G, 1st VA Infty in exchange for Pvt J.R.F. Stewart

** He was carried on the rolls of Co. G, 1st VA, Apr. 18 - June 1864, as AWOL.

**** Letter Written By Wm. L. Wingfield****

I, Wm. L. Winfield, Com'd Co. D., 28th Va Regt. Certify on honour that Cha's W. Preas, a private in said Compnay, has reenlisted in the Service of the Confederate States for the war from the termination of his present enlistment that he has been mustered into Service received a furlough for 36 days and has due him fifty Dollars bounty under the act of Dec. 11th 1861 ~ Wm L Wingfield Capt Co. D ~

The Confederate States - 1862 - To Chs W. Preas - to Bounty for re-enlistment under act of Dec 11th, 1861 Received at Centreville - Feb 13th, 1862 of - JH Holt - 28th Reg't - Fifty Dollar in full of the above account -

(signed Cha W. Preas MARK) Test - LS Stewart Co. D.


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