Preas - Miscellaneous Civil War Information

              The two records below were found and donated by Gerald Preas


     The above is a receipt from the Confederate States to Thomas Preas, saying:

 "Dec. 7, 1861 - For Services of two horse team from October 30 to December 7, 1861

                           31 days @ $2.50 (found by C.S.)  $90.00

                              3 days @ $3.50 (found by Self)   $9.75            Total  $99.75"

 The above is a Receipt given by the Confederate States to Wm. H. Preas, saying:

 "To rent of Provost Marshal's office for six months, commencing the 1st of January

1863 and ending the 30th of June 1863 @ 2 1/2 p. month ----  $15.00


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