Eliza Frances Preas - Deed - Delta County, Texas - 1931

                                        I have a copy of the original.  If you want a copy, e-mail jrpreas@suddenlink.net

                                                  but the original is typewritten just as is shown below.


        Filed June 13, 1931, at 3 P.M.

        Recorded June 15, 1931 at 11 A.M.

                                                                           Bertha Edwards - Counnty Clerk


        Mrs E. F. Preas         TO           J. R. Preas         DEED



               That I, Mrs. E. F. Preas, a fema-sole of the County of  Delta State of Texas for and in consideration of the sum

        of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS to me paid, and secured to be paid by J. R. Preas Sr. as follows:  ONE THOUSAND

        DOLLARS  cash in hand paid the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed and NINE HUNDRED DOLLARS

        evidenced by three Promissory Notes of even dates herewith for the principal sum of THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS each,

        executed by the said, J. R. Preas due on the first day of October, A. D. 1932, 1933, and 1934 each respectively, and payable

        to the order of Mrs. E. F. Preas at Cooper, Texas, bearing 6% interest per annum, from date until paid, interest due and payable

        at Cooper, Texas and providing for 10% additional on the amount of principal and interest then due as Attorney's fees, if palced  

        in the hands of an attorney for collection or in case suit is brought on same, and failure to pay said notes or either of them or any

        installment of interest when due, shall, at the option of the holder, mature each and all of said notes, have Granted Sold and

        Conveyed, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said J. R. Preas Sr. of the County of Delta State of Texas

        all that certain Lot tract or parcel of land situated in Cooper, Delta County, Texas a part of the J. B. Anderson survey in Delta

        County Texas and being a part og the G. W. Morris Addition to the town of Cooper, Texas and more particularly described as

        follows:  Beginning at the N. W. Corner Block No. 15; Thence South 85 feet; Thence East 105 feet; Thence North 85 feet;

        Thence West 105 feet to the place of beginning being the N. W. 1/4 of Block No. 15 in said Addition, and being the same land

        as is described in Deed dated October 27th, 1921, wherein W. W. Smith and wife May Smith conveyed the land above mentioned

        to the said Mrs. E. F. Preas which said deed is recorded in Book 48, page 540, Deed Records of Delta County, Texas to which

        record reference is here made for further description of the land herein conveyed.

               TO HAVE AND TO HOLD  the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances

        thereto in anywise belonging unto the said J. R. Preas Sr. and his heirs and assigns forever and I. Do hereby bind myself and my

        heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever Defend, all and singular the said premises unto the said J. R. Preas Sr.

        and his heirs and assigns, against every person whosoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof.

               But it is expressly agreed and stipulated that the Vendors Lien is retained against the above described property, premises and

        improvements, until the above described notes, and all interest thereon are fully paid according to their face and tenor, effect and

        reading when this deed shall become absolute.

                            WITNESS my hand at Cooper, Texas this 18th day of June A. D. 1931.

                                                                       Mrs. E. F. Preas


                    THE  STATE  OF  TEXAS

                    COUNTY  OF  DELTA

            BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared

            Mrs. E. F. Preas known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and

            acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed.

                    GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE  this the 18th day of June A. D. 1931

                                                                                (SEAL)      S.  W.  Pratt

            Filed June 18, 1931 at 3:30 P. M.                           Notary Public in and for Delta County, Texas

            Recorded June 19, 1931 at 9:15 A. M.


                                                                 Bertha Edward

                                                                  County Clerk

                                                           _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


                MRS. E. F. PREAS

                STATE OF  TEXAS

                COUNTY  OF  DELTA           KNOW  ALL  MEN  BY  THESE  PRESENTS:

                That whereas Mrs. E. F. Preas surviving wife of  J. H. Preas deceased, being the survivor of the family of the

         said J. H. Preas and wife, Mrs. E. F. Preas desires to designate and set apart the homestead which the family is

         entitled under the Constitution and laws of this state.

               Therefore I, the said Mrs. E. F. Preas have this day set apart and designated, and by these presents do set apart

        and designate, as the homestead to which said family is entitled under the Constitution and laws of this State, exempt from

        forced sale, all that certain tract or parcel of land situated in Delta County, Texas, a part of Jacob Harmon Survey,

        First Tract: On the water of Brushy Creek waters of South Sulphur Fork of Red River a part of 245 acres out of said survey;

        Beginning at the S. E. corner of said 245 acres a stake from which an Elm marked X. bears N. 71 1/2 East 68/100 poles a

        stake from which an Em Mkd. X. bears N. 15 3/4 East 1-12/100 poles; Thence East to the Ira Branch; Thence North with the

        Ira Branch to another brach; Thence with that branch to a Bois d' Arc stake in said same land deeded to J. H. Preas by J. L.

        Johnson and wife, M. L. Johnson, which said deed is recorded in Book R page 358 Deed Records, Delta County, Texas to

        which record reference is here made for a further description of the land above mentioned.

               SECOND TRACT:  Situated in Delta County, Texas, about seven miles East from Cooper and described as follows: 

        Being a part of the L. Battan Hd. Survey; Beginning 20 poles E. of the Channel of Post Oak Creek a stake near a Post Oak

        Grove; Thence East to and with the Cooper and Charleston Road 133 poles to the S. E. Corner of John Pickens Tract of

        land on W. B line of Davice Pickens Tract, Thence South 63 poles a stake in the Bois D' Arc Hedge; Thence West 124 poles

        a stake;  Thence in a N. W. direction to the place of beginning, containing 50 acres of land, which said land is described in a

        deed from J. L. Cunningham and wife to J. H. Preas, which said deed is dated October 27th, 1900 and recorded in Book 3

        page 350, Deed Records of Delta County, Texas, to which record reference is here made for a further description of the last

        above mentioned tract of land.

                                                                     Witness my hand this the 18th day of June A. D. 1931.

                                                                                                Mrs. E. F. Preas

                    STATE  OF  TEXAS

                    COUNTY  OF  DELTA

                    BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared

        Mrs. E. F. Preas known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowleded

        to me that she executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed.

                            GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the 18th day of June A. D. 1931.

                                                             (SEAL)          S. W. PRATT


                                                    Filed June 18, 1931 at 3:30 P. M.                     Notary Public Delta County, Texas.

                                                                                Recorded June 19, 1931 at 9:50 A. M.


                                                                                  Bertha  Edwards - County Clerk


                                MRS. E. F. PREAS           TO             J.  B.  PREAS                TRANSFER

                            THE  STATE  OF  TEXAS

                                COUNTY OF DELTA                                KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:

                That I, Mrs. E. F. Preas of the county of Delta and state of Texas, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars

        and other good and sufficient consideration to me in hand paid the receipt of which is hereby acknowledge and confessed has

        this day Sold, conveyed and assigned, and by these presents do Sell Convey and Assign unto J. B. Preas, Lucy Wickersham,

        Hettie Wood, J. R. Preas Jr., Nugent Preas and George Preas who have paid the consideration for said notes as aforesaid

        all of the certain three promissory Vendor's lien notes executed by J. R. Preas Sr. in favor of Mrs. Mrs. E. F. Preas in the

        sum of Nine Hundred Dollars as evidenced by said three notes for the sum of $300.00 each dated June 18th notes being due on

        October 1st. 1932, 1933 qnd 1934 each respectively said notes having been executed in part payment for the following described

        land situated in Cooper, Delta County, Texas to wit a part of Block No. 15 of the G. W. Morris Addition to the town of Cooper

        same being the N. W. One-forth of said Block No. Fifteen.

               And I also hereby Bargain, Sell and Convey unto the said J. B. Preas, Lucy Wickersham, Hettie Woods, J. R. Preas Jr.,

        Nugent Preas and George Preas all of the Interest right and title owned or held by me in said land by virtue of said notes herein

        conveyed and assigned And I hereby bind my self and my heirs executors and administrators that said three notes are the first and

        only lien on said land and that all of sets and credits to which said notes are entitled do appear on the back of of  said notes.

               And I hereby authorize the Grantee herein to release said Lien on payment of said notes, by a duly executed release.

                                                Witness my hand this the 18th day of June A. D. 1931.

                                                                             Mrs. E. F. Preas

                    THE  STATE  OF  TEXAS

                    COUNTY  OF  DELTA

               Before me S. W. Pratt a Notary Public in and for Delta County Texas on this day personally appeared Mrs. E. F. Preas

            known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that she

            executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed.

            GIVEN UNDER MU _______ AND AND  SEAL OF OFFICE THIS THE 18TH DAY OF JUNE A. D. 1931.              

                                                                (SEAL)          S. W. Pratt

                     Filed June 19, 1931 at 8 A. M.                    Notary Public in and for Delta County, Texas.

                Recorded June 19, 1931 at 1:45 P. M.

                                                                                           Bertha Edward

                                                                                            County Clerk 


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