Eliza A. Preas, Widow of Confederate Veteran W. W. Preas

                                                                     Applies for Pension - FORM NO. 3.

                                                                              Application of Widow.

I, Eliza A.. Preas, do here by apply for aid under the act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved April 2, 1902, entitled an act to aid the citizens of Virginia who were disabled by wounds received during the war between the States while serving as soldiers, sailors, or marines of Virginia, and such as served during the said war as soldiers, sailors, or marines of Virginia, who are now disabled by disease contracted during the war, or by infirmities of age, and the widows of soldiers, sailors, or marines of Virginia who lent their lives in said services, or whose death resulted from wounds received or disease contracted in said service, and providing penalties for violating the provisions of this act, and I do solemnly swear that I am a citizen of the State of Virginia resident at Montvale, in the County of Bedford, in the said State, and that I have been an actual resident of the said State for two years, and of the said city (or County) for one year next preceding the date of this application, and that I am the widow of __________________, who was a soldier (sailor or marine) in the service of the State of Virginia in the war between the States, and who was a member of (here state specifically the command and branch of the service to which the husband of the applicant belonged, and, if possible, the names of his immediate superior officers) Co. H 34th VA Regmt Infantry M. L. Luck(?) Capt

(Many words marked through) in the discharge of his duty in the military of the State of Virginia and who has since the said war died (here state specifically the cause of the death of the husband of the applicant and the date there of) Heart failure died suddenly on the 24th day of June 1902 and that, to the best of my knowledge, during the said war my said husband was loyal and true to his duty, and never, at any time, deserted his command or voluntarily abandoned his post of duty in the said services, and that I was never divorced from my said husband, and that I never voluntarily abandoned him during his life, but remained his true, faithful, and lawful wife up to the date of his death, and that I have never married since his death, and that I am now entitled to receive, under the said act, the sum of $25.00 dollars annually. And I do further swear that I do not hold any position or office, either national, State, city, or county, which pays me in salary or fees one hundred and fifty dollars per annum: nor have I an income from any other employment or other source whatever which amounts to one hundred and fifty dollars per annum: nor do I receive from any source whatever money or other means of support amounting in value to the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars per annum: nor do I own in my own right, nor does any one hold in trust for my benefit or use estate or property, either real, personal, or mixed, either in fee or for life, of the assessed value of five hundred dollars; nor do I receive any aid or pension from any other Stated, or from the United States, or from any other source, and that I am not an inmate of any public institution, and that I am without means of support, direct or indirect; and I do further swear that the answers given to the following questions are true:

1. What is your age? Ans. 56 (or 59?)

2. Where were you born? Ans. Bedford Co. VA

3. How long have you resided in Virginia? Ans. All my Life

4. How long have you resided in the city or county of your residence? Ans. 59 years

5. What is your husband’s full name? Ans. Wm W. Preas

6. When and where were you married, and by whom? Ans. 1860 in Bedford Beard (?)

7. When and where, as near as you can state, did your husband die, and from what cause?

Ans. June 24, 1902

8. Have you been married since the death of your said husband? Ans. NO

9. Where and with whom do you now reside? Ans. (Ms Sally ???)

10. What property – real, personal or mixed – do you own? Ans. None

11. What assistance do you receive, and what income have you from any source? Ans None

12. If your husband died since the war, please state where he died, and, if possible, the name and address of the attending physisian? Ans. In Bedford Co VA (???Carddia??)

13. Give the names and addresses, if possible, of two comrades in arms of your deceased husband. Ans. G. (or D) A. McMollan Thomas Fuqua(?)

14. Give the names and addresses of tow persons who are familiar with the circumstances of your husband’s death. Ans. W W Obenchain (?????? ??????)

15. If your husband died since the war, please state whether his death resulted from wounds received in the war or from disease. Ans. Disease

16. Give, as near as you can, the nature of the wound or the character of the disease from which your husband died. Ans. Heart failure was found dead near the house (??)

17. Give here any other information you may possess relating to the service of your husband or of his death that will support the justice of your claim for aid. Ans. He drew a pension

18. Is there any one living, the residence and address of whom is known to you, either comrade or otherwise, who has knowledge of your husband’s service and of the cause of his death? If so or not, state. Ans. B. B. Sakessk (??) orderly Sergeant Co. H.

Given under my hand this 8 day of April 1903

Witness J W. Tomas (??) Eliza F Preas

I, J. M. Wise(?), a Justice in and for the county of Bedford, in the State of Virginia, do certify that Eliza F. Preas, whose name is signed to the foregoing appliation, personally appeared before me in my County aforesaid and having the aforesaid application read to her and fully explained, as well as the statements and answers therein made, the said Eliza F. Preas, made oath before me that the said statements and answers are true.

Given under my had this 14 day of April 1903

A. M Wells JP


We, J. H. Read and J. B. Oberchain, do solemnly swear that we are residents of the County of Bedford, in the said State, and that we have known personally and well for 25 years Eliza F Preas, whose name is signed to the annexed application for aid under the act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved April 2, 1902, and that the said Eliza A (F) Preas is a resident of the said county, and is a woman of good reputation for truth and honesty, and that we have read the annexed application and the answers to the questions therein propounded, made by the said applicant, and verily believe that the said applicant has been truthful and the said statements and answers, and that from our personal knowledge we verily believe the said appliant is justly entitled to aid under the said act, and that we have no personal interest in the allowance of the applicant’s claim.

J.H. Read

J.B. Oberchain

Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Justice for the County of Bedford, State of Virginia, this 23 day of April 1903.

J.M. Wells JP



We, W H Sykes(?) and R. B. Schink (?), do solemnly swear that we are residents of the County of Bedford, in the State of Virginia, and that Eliza A. Preas, whose name is signed to the annexed application for aid under the act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved April 2, 1902, is personally well known to us, and that we have known her for forty years, and know her to be the widow of W. W. Preas, who was a soldier (sailor or marine) in the military (or naval) service of Virginia, or of the Confederate States, and that we were soldiers (sailors or marines) in the said service during the said war, and that we were, with the said W. W. Preas, members of (her state the command and the immediate superior officers thereof) Co. H. 34th VA Regmt Wises?) Brigade

(here many words marked out - this information was not necessary for document)

(if he died after the war, strike out all relating to death during the war and proceed as follows), on or about the 24th day of June, 1902, the said W. W. Preas died, and that the said Eliza A. Preas was a true and loyal soldier in the said service, and was faithful in the discharge of his duty as a soldier (sailor or marine) in the said service, and that we have no personal interest in the allowance of the applicant's claim.

W. H. Sykes (??)

R.B. Schink

Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Justice, for the County of Bedford, State of Virginia, this 23 day of April 1903 . J. M (or W.) Wills (or Mills) JP

Note. --- If only on comrade is living whose residence and address is known to applicant, let him make the above affidavit. If no such comrade is living whose address is known to applicant, then let one or more reputable persons who have personal knowledge of the services of the applicant and of cause of his disability, make the following affidavit:



We, ________________ and ________________ of the _______________ in the State of

__________________, do solemnly swear that we personally know, and are well aquainted with

__________________, whose name is signed to the annexed application, and who is applying for aid under the act of General Assembly of Virginia, approved April 2, 1903, and that we have known the said applicant for _____ years, and that to our personal knowledge she is the widow of ______________, who was a loyal and true soldier (sailor or marine) in the military (or naval) service of Virginia, or of the Confederate States, in the war between the States, and that on or about the ___________ day of ____________, 186___, at (here state battle or combat where killed or fatal wound received) _______________________________________ the said __________ during the said war (state here whether killed or died as the result of wounds received, or surgical operation therefor) __________________ (if he died after the war, strike out all relating to death during the war and proceed as follows), on or about the _______day of _________, 18__, the said __________ died, and that the said ____________ and _______________ lived as husband and wife up to the date of the death of the said ______________ and that we have no personal interest in the allowance of the applicant's claim.



Subscribed and sworn to before me, a ____________, in and for the _______________ of _______________ this _______________ day of ______________, 19 ___.

Note:--If no comrade in arms or other person who has knowledge of the service of the applicant and of the cause of her disability is living, whose residence is known to applicant, state that fact here.



I, ___________, a practicing physician in the ____________ of ____________, in the State of Virginia, do certify that I am personally acquainted with ____________, whose name is signed to the annexed application for aid under the act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved April 2, 1902, and that I attended her husband, the said _____________, during his last illness, and that from my professional knowledge of the cause of his death, I verily believe that his death resulted from _______________ and that I have no personal interest in the allowance of the applicant's claim.

Given under my hand, this _______ day of ____________, 19 ___.


Note:--- This certificate of physician shall only be required in cases where the husband has died since the close of the war, applicants husband died suddenly from heart failure, no physician attended him.



The ___________ Camp of Confederate Veterans of the ________ of _________ in the State of Virginia, hereby certifies that it has examined into the merits of the annexed application of _____________ for aid under the act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved April 2, 1903, and being satisfied of the justice of justice of above claim, hereby recommends the said __________ for aid under the provisions of the said act, and that it has no personal interest in the allowance of the applicant's claim.



Note:-- If there is no camp of Confederate veterans in applicant's city or county, then the affidavit of two ex-confederate soldiers residing in said city or county must be obtained, as follows:



We, __________ and ____________, of the ________ of ____________, State of Virginia, do certify that we were soldiers (sailors or marines) of Virginia in the war between the States, and that we have examined into the merits of the annexed application of _________ for aid under the act of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved April 2, 1902, and that we are satisfied of the justice of her claim, and recommend the said _______________ for aid under the provisions of the said act, and that we have no personal interest in the allowance of the applicant's claim.

Given under our hands, this _________ day of ___________, 19__.






I, A. S. Johnson, Commissioner of the revenue, in the County of Bedford, in the State of Virginia, do certify that Eliza A. Preas or her trustee, whose name is signed to the annexed application for aid under the not of the General Assembly of Virginia, approved April 2, 1902, is charged on the land and personal property books of the said County with estate, real, personal and mixed, of the assessed value of 00----------- dollars.

Given under my hand, this 24th day of April, 1903

      1. S. Johnson

**Those areas that are in "Italic's" are those things that were handwritten on the document.


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