Deed from William Preast to Elizabeth Preast  1789 - 1790

Preast to Sinkler

State of South Carolina, Newberry County – Know all men by these present that I William Preast of the State of South Carolina for (divers?) good Causes to me hereunto moving do make ordain constitute and appoint my Trusty friend George Sinkler of the County of Bedford State of Virginia my true & lawful attorney to act and do for me in my name in an concerning the conveyance of two certain tracts of land lying in said County of Bedford (for which William Callaway has give his obligation for the performance of title to William Patterson) and I do by these presents constitute and appoint the said George Sinkler as before mentioned to convey the said Tracts of Land to Elizabeth Preast of the County of Bedford as witness my hand and seal this twenty ninth day of October 1789.           Wm Preast  (Seal)

Thomas Preast

I do hereby certify that I saw William Preast sign the above Power of Attorney in Testimony where of I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal  -  Seal of Office this 29th day of October 1789.

(Seal)    W Malone Clk S.C.

Recorded in book A page 807 and examined - W Malone Clk S.C.

At a court held for Bedford County the 22nd day of February 1790 this power of attorney was exhibited in Court, whereupon the same was admitted to record.     Teste,  Ja  Steptoe  CBC

Preast deed to Preast

This Indenture made this 22nd day of February One Thousand Seven hundred and Ninety between George Sinclair of the County of Bedford attorney for William Preast of the one part and Elizabeth Preast of the same County of the second? Part witnesseth that the said George Sinclair for and in consideration of the sum of five shillings to him in hand paid by the said Elizbeth for the said William Preast hath given granted bargained sold & delivered and by these presents doth give grant bargain sell alien En fe of and confirm unto the said Elizabeth Preast and to her heirs and assigns forever One certain tract of Land containing five hundred acres lying & being in the said County of Bedford on Boar Auger Creek a south branch of Goose Creek and bounded as followeth to wit –

Beginning at a small hickory on Walton and Bufords line thence along Bufords line South ten degrees East eighty six poles to a Spanish Oak, south twenty five degrees west twenty poles to a Spanish Oak, South fifteen Degrees East Forty six poles to a White Oak South Fifty six degrees west thirty poles to a Hickory, thence new lines south fifteen Degrees West.  Sixty six poles to a Spanish Oak South sixty six degrees East one hundred and forty four poles to a red Oak South thirty six degrees East one hudred and twenty poles to a small white oak, North Seventy eight degrees East Seventy four poles to pointers on Stiths line and along his line North 186 poles to a White Oak off south fifty two degrees west 4 poles to Talbots Corner white oak on his line North twenty five degrees west 104 poles to pointers East 24 poles to a red oak north seven degrees East 216 poles crossing the creek to a Pine South 9 degrees west 152 poles to pointers on Watsons line, thence South 44 E 34 poles to a pine s. 15 w 140 poles to a Beach S 86 W 54 poles to a red oak N 44 W 54 poles to the Beginning.  To have and to hold this land and premises to the said Elizabeth Preast and to her heirs forever, and he the said George Sinclair in the behalf of the said William Preast doth covenant for him and his heirs that will warrant forever defend the said land and premises to the said Elizabeth Preast and to her heirs forever.  In witness whereof the said George Sinclair hath hereunto set his hand and Seal this day and above written.

Signed and delivered in the presence of    George Sinclair  (Seal)

Memorandum that on the day and year within mention quiet and peaceable possession of the within mentioned land and premises was mad and given by George Sinclair unto Elizabeth Preast according to the form and effect of the within written deed.

In Presence of         George Sinclair (Seal)

At a Court held for Bedford County the 22nd day of Fegruary 1790.

This Indenture together with the Memorandum of Livery of  leigen? Thereon indorsed was acknowledged by George Sinclair Attorney for William Preast party thereto and ordered to be recorded.

                                    Test,  Ja Steptoe CBC


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