Division of Elizbeth Preas' Land - 15 July 1832

                               Bedford County, Virginia

           **Elizabeth Preas, widow of Henry Preas Sr., was the matriarch of the Preas Family.

            When she died, her land was divided amongst her children & heirs by lottery.  Below,

            you will find a map of her land divided into 10 different lotts and, following it, you will

            find the names and description of the borders of each section.  Questions? jrpreas@suddenlink.net




            1832 July 15 --- Agreeable to the request of the Legaters of Elizabeth Preas Deceased we have proceeded(?)

            to lay off & divide the lands of said decendant between the several Legatees as presented by the annexed platt(?) Vig,

        Lott no. 1st ---- Drawn by Thomas Prease containing 53 3/4 acres and Bounded as follows Vig(?), Beginning at his

        own corner white oak on the North side of Bore Augher Creek, thence a new line N80 (degrees) W 22 1/2 poles to said

        creek  Thence up the said creek as it meanders to a maple  Thence off a new line N1 1/2 W 8 Poles to a stone and

        pointers in the patent line thence along the patent line S88 1/5 (degree) E88 poles to pointers near a road thence along his

        own line  it being the patent line afour said S5 (degree) E 109 poles to the first station ----

        Lott No. 2 - Drawn by Elizabeth Ellis containing 53 1/2 acres and bounded as follows VIG.  Beginning at a Maple

        and Bore Auger Creek bounded(?) to Lott No. 1  Thence up the creek as it meaders S77 1/2 (degrees) W 52 poles to

        pointers in the patent line thence along the patent line N12 (degrees) E 14 poles to pointers on a hill N47 3/4 (degrees)

        W 12 g to pointers called for by the patent in Wattons(?) line thence S 88 1/2 E145 poles to Rock and pointers near a

        branch corner to Lott No 1. Thence along the line of said Lott S 11 (degrees) E 88 poles to the firest Station ----

        Lott No 3.     Drawn by Polly Brown containing 68 3/4 acres and bounded as follows Vig-Beginning at pointers on

        Bore Auger Creek in the patent line and corner to Lott No 2 thence along the patent line S 12 (degrees) W 60 poles to

        Rock & pointers in saind line   Thence a need(?) line S 80 (degrees) E 154 poles to pointers on Thomas Preas s line

        being the old patent line thence along the same N 7 (degrees) E 75 poles croping the creek to a white oak corner to Lott

        No 1  Thence along the line of said Lott N 80 (degrees) W 22 1/2 poles to pointers on the creek aforesaid, thence up the

        same as it meanders to the first Station -----

        Lott No 4 ---- Drawn by Sally Prease containing 65 acres and bounded as follows Vig.  Beginning at a rock and

        pointers in the patent line & corner to Lott No. 3  Thence along the patent line S 12 (degrees) W 91(?) 1/2 poles to a

        beach(?) at a branch thence a new line S 83 3/4 E 110 poles to pointers corner to the patent  lines N 72 3/4 (degrees) E 56

        poles to a dead Spanish Oak & pointers N 7(?) degrees E 45 poles to pointers corner to Lott No 3. Thence along the line

        of saind Lott N 80 (degrees) W 154 poles to the first Station ------

       Lott No 5 ---- Drawn by Joseph Prease containing 60 3/4 acres and Bounded as follows Vig   Beginning at pinters corner

        to the patent & Lott No 4 thence along the patenet lines S 24 3/4 E up the mountain 89 poles to a white oak on a ridge 

        N 51 1/2(degrees) E 4 3/4 poles to pointers corner to Jeters.  Thence along his line it being the patent line S 1 1/9 (degrees)

        E 37 1/2 poles to pointers in sid line. Thence next(?) dividing lines - S 73 3/4 (degrees) N 761/2 poles to pointers N(?) 12 1/2

        (degrees) W 149 poles to pointers in a line of Lott No. 4  thence along the line of said Lott S 83 3/4 (degrees) E 64 1/2 poles

        to the first Station----

       Lott No 6 ---- Drawn by Rebecca Baker containing 58 1/4 acres and bounded as follows Vig.  Beginning at pointers in a

        line of Lott No. 4 and corner to Lott No. 5 on a hill side thence along the line of Lott No. 5  S 12 1/2 (degrees) E 149 1/2

        poles to pointers corner to Lott No 5  thence a new line S 73 3/4  W 77 1/2 poles to a large Red Oak on the Mountain &

        corner to the patent.  Thence a new line N172 1/2 poles to a Beach(?) corner to the patent to Lott No 4  Thence along the

        line of said Lott S 83 3/4 E 45 1/2 poles to the first station -----

       Lott No. 7 -----  Drawn by Henry Preases heirs containing 62 acres and bounded as follow Vig.  Beginning at a beach on a

        branch corner to the patent and to Lott No 4 & 6 thence along the patent line S 83 3/4 (degrees) W 57 3/4 poles to a large Red

        Oak Stump Corner(?) to the patent.  Thence a new line S 6 (degrees) W 136 poles to a Poplar & Soracl(?) at the North Side of

        the mountain in the patent line thence S 66 3/4 (degrees) E 77 poles to a large Red oak on the mountain corner to the patent to

        Lott No. 6 thence along the line of said Lott N 172 1/2 poles to the beginning-----

        Lott No 8 -- Drawn by Amy Prease containing 51 3/4 acres and Bounded as follows Viz. Beginning at a Red oak stump

        corner to the patent & to Lott No. 7 thence along the patent lines N 47 (degrees) W 57 1/2 poles to pointers corner (?) Sinclair 

        thence along his lines S 24 (degrees) W 21 1/2 poles to Spanish Oak S 15 (degrees) E 49 poles to pointers S 66 (degrees)

        W 29 1/2 poles to chesnut(?) S 66 3/4 (degrees E 75 1/2 poles to a poplar & Sorsel(?) corner to Lott No 7 thence along the

        line of said Lott N 6 (degrees) E 136 poles to the first station----

        Lott No 9. --- Drawn by Nancy Prease containing 45 1/4 acres & bounded as follows - Beginning at a Large Red Oak at the

        Mountain cornter to the patent in said line. Thence along the line of the patent S 37 1/4 (degrees) E 60 1/4 poles to pointers in

        said line.  Thence a new line N 69 (degrees) E 125 1/9 poles to pointers in Jeters line being the patent line thence along the same

        N 1/2 W 49 poles to pointers corner to Lott No. 5 thence along the line of said Lott and passing(?) the corner of said Lott &

        along the line of Lott No. 6 S 73 1/4 (degrees) W 154 poles to the first station ----

        Lott no 10 --- Drawn by Margarett Prease containing 45 1/4 acres and bounded as follows viz. Beginning at pointers in the

        patent line corner to Lott No. 9 thence along the patent lines S 37 1/4 (degrees) E 73 poles to a small white oak on a ridge

        N 77 1/4 (degrees) E 74 1/2 poles to Jones corner Sreast(?) thence alnog his line N 1 1/9 (degrees) W 85 1/9 poles croping a

        branch to pointers corner to Lott No. 9 thence along the line of said Lott S 69 (degrees) W 135 1/9 poles to the first Station ---

        Having been called upon by the Legatees of Elizabeth Prease Deed, to lay off & allott all the lands of said decedant

        between the aforesaid Legatees which according to the best of our skill & judgment we had done as represented by the

        foregoing platt and certificates Viz.  Lot No. 1 receiving from Lott No. ( $7.50  Lott No. 7 receiving from Lott No 10 $10 --

        and Lott No 8 receiving from Lott No 9 $7.50  Lott No. 7 receiving from Lott No. 10 $10.00 -- and Lott No 8 receiving

        from Lott No. 9 $7.50 thereby making the whole of the Lotts of an average value according to our best judgment --

                            Given under our hands this 15th______ 1832                                     Matthew Pate

                                                                        Edward Sinclair

                                                                       H (or W) Terry


                                                      Land                      Pictures                 Site Listing 








We do further certify that the aforesaid Legatees are all of age and have voluntarily consented to the division & allottment aforesaid & have directed(?) us to certify the same to the County Court of Bedford in order that the afor said plath(?) and certificate may be recorded, Given uner ur hands this 15th Day of October 1832

                                                                                               Matthew Pate

                                                                                               Edward Sinclair

                                                                                               H (or W) Terry


At a court held for Bedford County, at the Courthouse the 22nd day of October 1832.  This Division and alottment of the lands of Elizabeth Prease deceased amoung her Legatees and devises(?) was returned to Cour and ordere to be Recorded.


                                                                      Ro Cattitchell(?) CBC