Marriage of Elizabeth Preast to Samuel Tate - 1835

         Know all men by these presents that we, Samuel Tate and Nathaniel F. Thorton, are held firmly bound unto Littleton

        W. Tazewell Esq., Govern. or Chief Magistrate of the Commonwealth of Virginia in the just full sum of one hundred and

        fifty dollars current money of Virginia to the payment whereof well truly to be made to the said governor or his succesor in

       office we bind ourselves and each of us our and each of our heirs, exec., and administrators, jointly and severally firmly by

        these presents, sealed with our seals and dated this 5th day of December 1835. 


        The condition of the above obligation is such that where as there is a marriage shortly intended to be had and solemnized

        between the above bound Samuel Tate and Elizabeth Preas.


        If therefore there be no legal cause to obstruct the same then the above obligation to be said else to remain in full force and virtue.


                                   Samuel Tate     (Seal)                Nathaniel F. Thorton (Seal)


                   December 4th, 1835

        The clerk of the county court of Bedford will receive this as my certificate for issuing marriage license to Samuel Tate to marry me,

        Elizabeth Preast, as I have become of age under the laws of Virginia to give such certificate for the issuing of such license and cannot

        obtain them otherwise.

                           Teste                          Elizabeth   (Her Mark XX) Preas                          Nathaniel F. Thorton


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