Confederate Records


James T. Preas



To William H. Preas Administrator James T. Preas, deceased, Late Private of Capt. Wright's Co. B. 58th Reg't Virginia Volunteers Dr.

For pay of said deceased from November 1st 1861 the date to which he was last paid, to January 14th 1862 the date of death inclusive. 2 months & 14 day @ $11.00 per month $27.13 ? Consigned him for six months clothing 19.60 = 46.73 -- Stoppages 22.00 --Total $24.73

As per Captain ?Clertyicate?

Payable to William H Preas, Administrator - Liberty, Va -


Second Auditor's Office, Nov 24th 1864 -- B. E. C? Jr. Clerk -- Comptoller's Office, Dec 3, 1864 ??? estes? Clerk (Page 1 of 4)

Muster Rolls


Enlisted Aug 24, 1861

**1st Roll - James T. Preas 58th VA. Private, Capt. Jubal D. Meador's Co. (Stewartsville Tigers), Virginia Volunteers.* Age 17 years - Company Muster-in Roll of the orginization named above, from the county of Bedford. Roll Dated Sept 28, 1861

**2nd Roll - James T. Preas -Private, Co. k, 58th Reg't Virginia Infantry.* Appears on company Muster Roll of the organization named above, for Nov & Dec, 1891. Dated Dec 31, 1861

Enlisted: When: Aug 24, 1861 - Where: Bedford Co., VA - By whom: J.D. Meador - Period: 12 Nov - Last Paid -By whom: J.A. Mclurry - To what time Oct 31, 1861 - Present

**3rd Roll - James T. Preas - Private, Co. K, 58th Reg't Virginia Infantry.* Appears on Company Muster Roll of organization named above, for Jan & Feb, 1862 (Not Dated)

Enlisted- When: Aug 24, 1861 - Where: Bedford Co., VA - By whom: J.D. Meador - Period: 12 months - Last Paid - By whom: J A Mclurry - To what time: Dec 31, 1861

Remarks: Died at Monterey Jan 14, 1862

**4th Roll - James T. Preas - Private Co. B (*this Co. B was hand written in records and is most probably wrong), 58th Va. Inf. - Name appears on a Register of Claims of Deceased Officers and Soldiers from Virginia which were filed for settlement in the Office of the Confederate States Auditor for the War Department.

By whom presented - Wm H. Preas adm - When filed: Jan 8, 1864

Comptroller: When reported to: Nov 24, 1864 - When returned: Dec 3, 1864

Number of Settlements: Certificates 20929 - Report

Amount found due - 30.13

Confed. Arch., Chap 10, File No. 22, page -- (Page 2 of 4)

2nd Auditors Office - Nov. 15th, 1864

The Written Signature of P. M. Wright Captain Company (B) 58th Regt VA. Vol is genuine as compared with his Receipts in this Office. ~ J. Coapland ~


Private James T. Preas

Company (B) 58 Va Regm't

Name: J.T. Preas ~ Where Born: Bedford County, VA ~ Rank: Private ~ Occupation: Farmer ~ Age: 18 ~ Enlisted: Aug 24th, 1861 Stewartsville ~ By Whom: J.D. Meador ~ Eyes: Blue ~ Hair: Dark ~ Com Period: 12 months ~ complex: Fair ~ Last Paid: Dec 31, 1861 ~ By paymast: Capt J.A McClung ~ Hght: 5'4" .

Remarks: Private James T. Preas Died at Monterey, Va., Jan 14th, 1862 - has pay due him from the 31st day of Oct 1861 to the 14th Jan 1862 - $27.13. Also Commutation for clothing not drawn 4 mo 20 days $19.60 ~ TOTAL $46.73 ~ He is due the Confederate States for clothing drawn $22.00 BALANCE DUE $24.73

Virginia -- Bedford County --

To wit This day Mahala Preas personally appeared before me, Jubal D. Meador, a Justice of Piece and made oath that he is the identical person mentioned in the foregoing Descriptive List and Account, and that the same is correct and true, and that he is not indebted to the Confederate States Government in any amount.

Given under my hand this 21st day of December 1863 (Jubal D. Meador J.P.) I certify that the above is a correct transcript from the records of my company books.

Station " Preas - Orange - C H. Virginia - P.M. Wright Capt Commanding - Date " November 20th, 1863 - Co B, 58th Reg't (Copy 3 of 4)



At a County Court held for Bedford County at the Courthouse on Monday the 28th day of April, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty Two.

On the Motion of William H. Preas, who made oath, and together with Daniel Fouts his security entered into and acknowleged a bond in the penalty of One Hundred dollars, contitioned according to law. Certificate is granted him to obtain letters of administration on the estate of James T. Preas deceased in due form, and the said bond is ordered to be recorded.

State of Virginia & County of Bedford & SS

A Albon A Arthur Clerk of the County Court in the County and State aforesaid do Certify that the foregoing order of Said Court is a true transcript from the records of Said Court.

Given under my hand and the Seal of Said Court this Thu 12th day of May One thousand and eight hundred and Sixty two. ~ A. A. Arthur Clk ~ (Copy 4 of 4)


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