Land Deed in Delta County, Texas

                          J. P. Blackwell  to  John Preace - 4th March 1889

                                     I have a copy of the original, if you wish a copy please e-mail me at

                                                             But this one is type written just as you see it below.


        THE STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF DELTA:  Know all men by these presents that I J. P. Blackwell of the County 

        of Delta and State of Texas, in consideration of the sum of twelve hundred and eighty one and 50/100 dollars, paid and 

        secured to be paid by John Preace of said State and County of Delta, two hundred Dollars cash in hand paid and five 

        promissory notes for 216.30 each with ten per cent interest per annum, the first to become due on the 1st day of October

        1890, the next 1st October 1891, next 1st October 1882, the last and fifth 1st October 1893, all of said notes bearing even 

        with this and made by John Preace, payable to J. P. Blackwell or bearer, have granted, sold and conveyed, and by these 

        presents do grant, sell and convey, unto the said John Preace of the County of Delta and State of Texas all that certain 

        tract or parcel of land lying and being in the said County of Delta and State of Texas, some 6 1/2 miles N. E. from Cooper 

        the same being a part of the Jacob Harmon 1280 acre survey Beginning on a stake in the N. B. line of the original 20 

        poles East from his most southern N. W. corner of a 9 acre lot heretofore sold to William Lansdown Thence East 435 vrs 

        a stake the N. W. corner of J. P. Blackwell pasture fence and Peter Geter S. B. line thence South 1450 varas a stake in 

        the S. B. line of said original in Brushy Creek  Thence up the center of Brush Creek with meanderings of same to the 

        W. B. line of original a stake  Thence North with said line to the S. W. corner of William Lansdown 9 acre lot  Thence 

        with his S. B. line 119 vrs to his S. E. corner a stake  Thence North with his E. B. line 430 1/2 vrs to the place of beginnin

        containing 109 acres of land more or less.  To have and to hold the above described promises, together with all and 

        singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging unto the said Jon Preace his heirs and assigns.  And 

        I do hereby bind myself my heirs executors and administrators to warrant and forever defend, all and singular, the said 

        premises unto the said John Preace his heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim 

        the same, or any part thereof.  But it is expressly agreed and stipulated, that the vendors lien is retained against the

        above described property, premises and improvements, until the above described notes, and all interest thereon, are fully 

        paid, according to the face and tenor, effect and reading, when this Deed shall become absolute

                                                                Witness my hand at Cooper this 4th day of March A. D. 1889.

                                                                               J. P. Blackwell

       The State of Texas, County of Delta:  Before me, L. L. Wood, County Judge in and for Delta County, Texas, on this day 

        personally appeared J. P. Blackwell known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, 

        and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed.

                                              Given under my hand and seal of office,

                                                  This 7th day of March A. D.  1889

                                           L. L. Wood,     County Judge, Delta Co. Texas


                                Filed for Record the 14 day of March 1891, at 10 o'clock A. M.

                                                                       Geo W. Jones, C. C.


                   ***the above is an exact transcription of the document I possess - with misspellings and punctuation as found on the original document***


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