Land Deed in Delta County, Texas

                      J. L. Johnson and wife  to  J. H. Preas - 13th November 1895

                                  I have a copy of the original if you are interested -

                                                     but it is typewritten just as it shown below



        THAT We, J. L. Johnson & his wife M. L. Johnson of the County of Delta and State aforesaid, for and in

        consideration of the sum of Five hundred and fifty ------ Dollars, to us in hand paid by J. H. Preas the receipt

        whereof is hereby acknowledged & the further consideration of four promissory notes of $175.00  Each To 

        become due the 1st note $175.00 become due January 1, 1897:  The 2nd note - $175.00 to become due

        Jan. 1, 1898:  the 3rd note - $175.00 to become due Jan. 1, 1899 and the 4th note - $175.00 to become due

        Jan 1st, 1900 bearing interest from Jan 1st, 1896.


        Have GRANTED, SOLD AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do GRANT, SELL AND CONVEY unto

        the said J. H. Preas of the County of Delta and State of Texas - all that certain undivided half interest in 86 1/3

        acres of land in Jacob Harmon Survey: the other half was deeded to the said J. H. Preas on 15th day of June

        A. D. 1892 by J. L. & M. L. J. Johnson Recorded on 15th day of July 1892 Book R, Pages 358 & 359 Record

        of Deeds Delta Co. Tex - And described as follows a part of 245 acres out Jacob Harmon Survey:


        Beginning at the S. E. corner of said 245 acres a stake on the E. B. line of the original; Thence w. 218 poles to

        the S. W. corner of said 245 acre a stake from which on Elm mkd - X brs. N. 71 1/2 E. 68/100 Poles a stake -

        from which an Ash mkd X brs. S. 34 1/2 E. 48/100 Poles; Thence N. 58 72/100 Poles a stake - from which an

        Elm mk'd X bears - N. 15 3/4 E. 1 12/100 Poles;  Thence East to the Ira Branch Thence N. with the Ira Branch

        to another branch;  Thence with that branch to a Bois'd arc stake in said branch;  Thence South to the place of

        beginning containing of half of 86 1/3 acres of land undivided -


        TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described promises, together with all and singular the rights and

        appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging unto the said J. H. Preas his heirs and assigns forever.  And we do

        hereby bind ourselves our heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever Defend, all and singular,

        the said premises unto the said J. H. Preas - his heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully

        claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof.


        But it is expressly agreed and stipulated that the Vendor's Lien is retained against the above described property,

        premises and improvements, until the above described note, and all interest thereon, are fully paid, according to

        their face and tenor, effect and reading, when the deed shall become absolute.


                    Witness our hands at Lake Creek Tex this 13th day of November A. D. 1895.

                    Signed and Delivered in presence of                               J. L. Johnson

                                                                                                             M. L. Johnson


        THE STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF DELTA:  BEFORE ME, B. B. Taylor a Notary Public in and for Delta

        County, Texas, on this day personally appeared J. L. Johnson and M. L. Johnson wife of J. L. Johnson known to

        me - to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they

        executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed.  And the said M. L. Johnson wife of said

        J. L. Johnson, having been examined by me, privily and apart from her husband, and having the same by me fully

        explained to her, she, the said M. L. Johnson acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, and she

        declared that she willingly signed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and that she did

        not wish to retract it.


                                Given under my hand and seal of office, this 13th day of November A. D. 1895

                                                                  B. B. Taylor N. P.  (SEAL)         Delta Co.  Texas


        THE STATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF Delta:  I, S. C. Unsell Clerk of the County Court of said County, to

        hereby certify that the foregoing instrument of writing, dated the 13 day of Nov - A. D. 1895, with its Certificate

        of Authentication, was filed for record in my office the 14 day of Nov - A. D. 1895, at 10 o'clock a. M., and duly

        recorded this 26 day of Nov - A. D. 1895, at 10 o'clock A. M., in the records of said County in Volume U on pages 202


        Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court of said County at office in Cooper the day and year last above written.

                                                                                S. C. Unsell

                                                                   Clerk County Court Delta County       (SEAL)

                                                               by ---------------------------------- Deputy


        I, J. L. Johnson the present of the holder of the notes herein mentioned acknowledge to payment of same in full

        with all interest thereon - this 30th day of October - 1897.

                                                                     J. L. Johnson

                        Attest           S. T. Johnson Clerk Co. Court Delta Co. Texas


**The above is written in the exact manner as the document I have, the spelling and punctuation have not been corrected.**


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