Land Grant for JOSEPH PREAS

                                                              Land Deed – 20 December 1799

             Joseph Preas - 95 Acres - Bedford - Examined

           James Monroe Esquire Governor of the commonwealth of Virginia to all to whom those presents should come Greeting,

           know ye that by virtue of a Land office Treasury warrant number nineteen thousand nine hundred and seven issued the

           sixteenth day of October one thousand seven hundred and eighty three, there is granted by the said Commonwealth unto

           Joseph Preas assignee of George (?Rusher) a section tract or Parcel of land containing ninety five acres by survey bearing

           date the ninth day of April one thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety four lying and being in the county of Bedford on the

           North east side of Weavers Knob and bounded as follweth to (?....?), beginning at a location in Talbots line thence new lines

           north forty four degrees west sixty poles to a chesnut oak north thirty six degrees, east forty poles to a small maple near a

           spring, north thirty four degrees east one hundred and four poles  to chesnut oak, north twenty three degrees east thirty two

           poles to a chestnut oak near a branch up the same north seventy degrees west twenty poles to a Hickory. West sixty eight

           poles to his own corner hickory, thence along his own pines, south forty four degrees west fifty eight poles to a hickory, south

           thirteen degrees west, thirty two poles to a large chesnut, south forty six poles to a hickory, south twenty eight degrees east,

           forty six poles to a chesnut oak in Talbots line, and then along his line south seventy four degrees east sixty two poles to the

           beginning, with its appurtanances to have and to hold the said tract and parcel of land with its appurtanances to the said

           Joseph Preas, and his heirs forever.  In witness where of the said James Monroe Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth

           of Virginia both hereunto set his hand and caused the lesser seal of the said commonwealth to be affixed at Richmond on the

           twentieth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine and of the commonwealth

           of the twenty fourth.

                                                               JAMES MONROE


               Preas, Joseph    20 Dec 1799 - Bedford County - 95a. On the north east side of Weavers Knob - Grants 44, 1799-1800. p. 21


         *****This was transcribed as it was written, spelling errors and all -- I have a scanned copy of the

                 original document.  If you wish a copy, email me at *****


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