Application for Confederate Disability: Joseph N. Preas 1878

Virginia, In Floyd County Court, September Term 1878

            Joseph N. Pries (Preas) appeared in Court and asked for a certificate upon which he has an application for commutation for a wound and being duly sworn, says; that he was a private in company “B”, 58th Regiment Virginia Infantry, and while in the line of his duty as such, in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., fought on the day of May 1863.  He received a wound in his right thigh, which seriously impairs his power to perform manual labor.  The disability is permanent, that he is a citizen of this State and County, has lived in Bedford County and in West Virginia, but has never received an Artificial limb, commutation therefore, on commutation for his wound form this State, of the United States or any other State of the United States.

            John O. Fouts, being introduced as a witness and sworn, says; that he was a member of Company “B”, 58th Virginia Regiment, and as such, participated in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va. through May 1863, and knows that Joseph N. Preas received the wound, while in the line of his duty, in said battle and that the wound was in right thigh.

            Dr. C.M. Highman being duly Sword says that he has examined the wound of said Joseph N. Pries, which seriously impairs his power to perform manual labor, and from the adhesion of the muscles, impares the action of the limb, that the disability is permanent.

                                         A Copy – Teste – B.P. Elliott clk 

Floyd – Joseph N. Pries – Co. B., 58th Infantry – Received Sept 1878 – Thogh  -  OK – Ca. J.L. Tompkin C.H. see C.M. Hots, claim --    Auditor says pay this.

$30.00 – Audit. Off – Aug 12, 1879 – Issued cert. For thirty dollars and sent check no. 40385 – draw by RB & S Co. as Miller & Franke Lyrs to Jos. N. Pries – care of J.L. Tompkin – Floyd Ct.       Rushford

Office of the Auditor of Public Accounts,

Richmond – Apr 24, 1882

To: Jos. N. Preis  -  Floyd Cty Post Office,  Care J.L. Tompkins County, Virginia,

Dear Sir:

Enclosed you will find check No. 93501, drawn by Plantiss National Bank of this City on National Park Bank, New York for thirty dollars, being the amount due you for commutation, &c, under the act of the General Assembly approved February 14, 1882.

            I am very respectfully,     S. Brwon Allen,  Auditor of Public Accounts.

                                               JS. Rims

        Pries, Jos N    $30.00


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