Confederate Muster Rolls of

Joseph Nathaniel Preas

Co. B, 58th Virginia Infantry


** Roll #1 - Joseph N. Preas - Pvt, Capt. Jubal D. Meador's Co. (Stewartsville Tigers), Virginia Volunteers. - Age 20 years - Appears on Company Muster-in Roll of the organization named above, from the county of Bedford. - Roll dated: Sept 28, 1861 - Muster-in to date: Sept 28, 1861 - Enrolled for active service: When: Aug 24, 1861 - Where: Stewartsville - By whom: Capt Meador - Mustered into service: When: Sept 28, 1861 - Where: Staunton - By Whom: Maj Harmon.

** Roll #2 - Joseph N. Preas - Pvt., Co. K, 58th Reg't Virginia Infantry. Appears on company Muster Roll of the organization named above, for Nov & Dec 1861. - Dated: Dec. 31, 1861 - Enlisted: When: Aug 24, 1861 - Where: Bedford Co., VA - By Whom: JD Meador - Period: 12 Mos- Last Paid: By Whom: J A McClung - To What Time: Oct 31, 1861 - Present or Absent: Present.

** Roll #3 - Joseph N. Preas - Pvt., Co. K, 58th Reg't Virginia Infantry. Appears on Company Muster Roll of the organization named above, for Jan & Feb 1862 - not dated. Enlisted: When: Aug 24, 1861 - Where: Bedford Co., VA - By whom: J D Meador - Period: 12 mos. - Last Paid: By Whom: J A Mcclung - To What Time: Dec 31 1861 - Present or absent: Present - Remarks: Present Sick

** Roll #4 - Joseph N. Preas - Pvt., Co. K, 58th Reg't Virginia Infantry. Appears on company Muster Roll of the organization named above, for March & Apl 1862 - not dated - Enlisted: When: Aug 24, 1861 - Where: Bedford Co., VA - By Whom: J D Meador - Period: 12 mos - Last Paid: By Whom: J A McClung - To what time: Feb 28, 1862 - Present or absent: Present - Remarks: Absent Sick

** Roll #5 - Joseph N. Preas - Pvt, Co. B, 58th Reg't Virginia Infantry. Appears on Company Muster Roll of the organization named above for Aug 31 to Dec 31, 1862 - dated Dec 31, 1862. - Enlisted: When: Aug 24, 1861 - Where: Bedford Co, VA - By whom: JD Meador - Period: 12 mos - Last Paid: By Whom: J.A McClung - To what time: Aug 31, 1862. - Present or Absent: Present - Remarks: Present in arrest the court martial do sentence that J.N. Preas forfeit 1 mo pay.

** Roll #6 - Joseph N. Preas - Pvt, Co. B, 58th Reg't Va. Infantry. Appears on Company Muster Roll of the organization named above, for Jan 7 Feb, 1863 - not dated - Last Paid: by whom: J. A. McClung - To what time: Dec 31, 1862. - Present or absent: present

** Roll #7 - Joseph N. Preas - Pvt, Co. B, 58th Reg't Va. Infantry. Appears on Company Muster Roll of the organization named above, for March & Apl 1863 - dated Apl 30, 1863 - Enlisted: Aug 24, 1861 - Where: Stewartsville Bedford Co, VA - By whom: J D Meador - Period: 12 mos Last Paid: By whom: J A McClung - To What time: Feb 28, 1863. Present or absent: Present

** Roll #8 - Joseph N. Preas - 3 Corpl, Co. B, 58th Reg't Va. Infantry. Appears on Company Muster Roll of the organization named above, for July & Aug 1863 - dated Aug 31, 1863 - Enlisted: When: 24 Aug 1861 - Where: Stewartsville Bedford Co, VA - By whom: J D Meador - Period: 12 Mos Present or absent: Absent - Remarks: absent wounded May 4, 1863 Stoppages for overpay at (Corpl?) $4.00

** Roll #9 - Joseph N. Preas - Corpl - Co. B., 58th Reg't Va. Infantry. Appears on Hospital Muster Roll of General Hospital, at Liberty, VA., for Sept & Oct 1863 - not dated. - Enlisted: When: Apl 24, 1861 - Where: VA - By whom: Capt Meador - Period: War - Last Paid: By Whom: In Richmond - To What Time: Apl 30, 1863 - Present or Absent: Not Stated - Remarks: Though mustered from Apl 30, 1863, payments is made only from June 30, 1863.

** Roll #10 - Joseph N. Preas - 3 Corpl, Co. B, 58th Reg't Va. Infantry. Appears on Company Muster Roll of the organization named above, for Apl 30 to Oct 31, 1864. - dated Oct 31, 1864 - Enlisted: When: 24 Aug 1861 - Where: Stweartsville - By whom: J D Meador - Period: 12 Mos - Last Paid: By whom: C.K. Mallery - To what time: Aug 31, 1863. - Present or Absent: Absent - Remarks: Absent Sick since June the 14, 1864

** Roll #11 - Joseph N. Preas - 3 Corpl - Co. B., 58th Reg't Va. Infantry. Appears on Company Muster Roll of the organization named above, for Nov & Dec 1864. - dated Dec 31, 1864 - Enlisted: When: 24 Aug 1861 - Where: Stewartsville - By whom: J D meador - Period: 12 mos - Last Paid: C.K. Mallery - To what time: Aug 31, 1863 - Present or Absent: Absent - Remarks: Absent sick since June the 14, 1864

** Roll #12 - Joseph N. Preas - 3 Corpl, Co. B, 58th Reg't Va. Infantry. Appears on Company Muster Roll of the organization named above, for Jan & Feb 1865 - Enlisted: When: 24 Aug 1861 - Where: Stewartsville - By whom: J. D. Meador - Period: 12 mos - Last Paid: By whom: C.K. Malery - To what time: Aug 31,1863. - Present or Absent: Absent - Remarks: Absent sick since June 14 1864.


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