Land Grant for JOSEPH PREAST  -  17 May 1803

                                                            Bedford County, Virginia

                                        This was transcribed as the document was written, spelling errors and all.

                        I have a copy of the scanned original, if you wish a copy please e-mail me at

               Joseph Preast - 300 acres - Bedford


         John Page esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, to all to whom these presents shall

        come greeting, know ye that the virtue of two land office treasury warrants to wit, fifty acres by number

        two thousand four hundred issued the twenty sixth day of January one thousand seven hundred and

        ninety eight, and two hundred and fifty acres by number seven hundred and sixty eight issued the ninth

        day of October, seventeen hundred and ninety four.  There is granted by the said Commonwealth unto

        Joseph Preast a (?Contaur?) tract or parcel of land containing three hundred acres by survey bearing

        date the fifth day of May, Eighteen hundred and one, lying and being in the County of Bedford on both

        sides of Beaver dam Creek and bordered (bounded) as followeth, "to wit".  Beginning at Trents corner

        pointers thence along his lines south twenty degrees west on hundred Poles to a red oak south, seventy

        three degrees east sixty poles to a pine south forty degrees west fifty five poles to a pine - north fifty seven

        degrees west eighty poles to a pine thence new lines south forty degrees west twenty poles to a chestnut

        oak south sixty four degrees west twenty one poles to pointers in Eckolos's line thence along the lines south

        twenty five degrees west seventy two poles to pointers south forty nine degrees west thirty nine poles croping

        Beaver dam Creek to a lo crest north sixty degrees west, forty six poles to a pine south ten degrees east fifty

        eight to a red oak south thirty degrees east fifty three poles to a pine north eighty seven degrees east fifty eight

        poles to a north eighty seven degrees east fifty eight poles to a poplar on said creek, thence down the creek

        as it meanders south sixty six degrees east twenty two poles to a spanich oak, in Samuel James's lined thence

        along his lines north forty two degrees east forty four poles to a dead pine east sixty poles to a box white oak in

        Blankenships line and along his lines north thirty degrees west thirty one poles to a chestnut oak north,

        twenty three degrees east one hundred and two poles to pointers in Balloways and Cavanaughs line and

        thence along their line north thirteen degrees west two hundred and twenty poles to the beginning, with its

        appurtenances to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land with its appurtenances to the said

        Joseph Preast and his heirs forever, in witness where of the said John Page esquire Governor of the

        Commonwealth of Virginia both here unto set his hand and caused the lesser seal of the said commonwealth to

        be affixed at Richmond on the seventeenth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred

        and three and of the Commonwealth the twenty seventh.

                                                                                                                                          JOHN PAGE


                                   (Written to side - Grant delivered J. Leftwich - 5 Jany 1807)


                             Preast, Joseph       17 May 1803 Bedford County

                                     300 a. On both sides of Beaverdam Creek

                                             Grants 51, 1802-03, p. 296


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