Application of a Widow of a Deceased Soldier, Sailor or Marine for a Pension,


                Whose husband died since the late War Between the States.

I, Martha Ann Overstreet, resident at Vinton – Post Office in the County of Roanoke, in the State of Virginia, do hereby apply for aid under the act of the General Assembly, approved March 7, 1900, entitled “An act to give aid to soldiers, sailors, and marines disabled in the war between the States, and to every such soldier, sailor, or marine who by disease or other infirmities of age, is disabled from earning or is without the means of procuring a support, and to the widows of Virginia soldiers, sailors, or marines who lost their lives in said war in the military or naval services, or whose husbands have died since the war.”  And I do further swear that I am the widow of Benjamin T. Overstreet who was a member of the 58th Reg. of Va. Vol.s and who died since the late War Between the States.  And I do further swear that I am not receiving aid from or a pension from any State or from the United States, and that I do not hold any National, State, or County office which pays me in fees or salary over three hundred dollars; that my income from no source amounts to one hundred dollars; and that I do not own in my own right property of the assessed value of one thousand dollars; and that I am now entitled to receive annually the sum of twenty-five dollars, under the terms of the aforesaid act of the General Assembly.

            I do further swear that the following answers are true:

1st.  What was the name of the applicant’s deceased husband?  Ans. Benjamin T. Overstreet

2nd.  When and where, as nearly as can be ascertained, did the applicants husband die, and from what cause?

            Ans.  Bedford County near Cross Roads – Dec. 25th, 1893 – disease Scrapula

3rd.  When and where were the applicant and her deceased husband married?

            Ans.  On Porters Mountain, Bedford County, Jan 1st, 1845

4th.  Has the applicant ever married again?   Ans.  No.

Dist Giles Farmer                                      Martha Ann “X” Overstreet

I, Giles Green, Justice for the County of Roanoke do certify that Martha Ann Overstreet, whose name is signed to the foregoing application, personally appeared before me in my county aforesaid, and having the aforesaid application read to her and fully explained, as well as the statements and answers therein made, she, the said Martha Ann Overstreet made oath before me that the said statements and answers are true.

            Given under my hand, this 26th day of April 1900                  Giles Green J.P.

In the County Court of the County of Bedford on the 23rd day of July 1900, the application of Martha Ann Overstreet for a Pension, with the certificate of the Chairman of the Confederate Pension Board of the County of Bedford, that it has been approved by said board [***From this point it is unreadable – the ink has totally faded]

Certificate of the Commissioner of the Revenue

I, A.S. Johnson, Commissioner of the Revenue, in the County of Bedford in the State of Virginia, do certify that Martha Ann Overstreet, or her trustee, whose name is signed to the annexed statement, and who made application for aid under the act of the General Assembly, approved March 1, 1900, is charged on the land and personal property books of said County with estate, real, personal, and mixed, of the summed value of  00 dollars.   Given under my hand, this 5th day of June, 1902.   A.S. Johnson  Coms. Revenue

Certificate of Physician as to the claim of Widow.

I, Chas. D. Eubank, a practicing physician in the Town of Vinton, Roanoke County in the State of Virginia, do certify that I am personally acquainted with Mrs. Martha Ann Overstreet, whose name is signed to the foregoing statement, and who made application for aid under the act of the General Assembly, approved March 7, 1900, and that I attended her husband, the said Ben Overstreet with Dr. G.T. Waches, during his last illness, and that I verily believe his death resulted from Heart trouble & indirectly to injury received during war, coupled with old age.  Given under my hand, this 4th day of June, 1902.  Chas D. Eubank  M.D.

VIRGINIA: County of Bedford, to-wit:  I, John M. Speece, Clerk of the Circuit Court of the county of Bedford [*****The rest is cut off*********]


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