Martha A. Preas & Harvey J. Thornhill

                                   Certificate to obtain a Marriage License

        Having applied to the Clerk of the County Court of Bedford for a Marriage License, and being requested I 

        make the following certificate, as required by the Act of the General Assembly , passed April 7th, 1858


                    Date of Marriage,            20th September 1860

                    Place of Marriage,             Bedford County Va

          Full Names of Parties married,    Harvey J. Thornhill and Martha A. Preas

                    Age of Husband,               24 years

                        Age of Wife,                 19  "

                Condition of Husband,          Single

                      Condition of Wife,          Single

            Place of Husband's Birth,          Bedford County Va

                Place of Wife's Birth,               "            "         "

     Place of Husband's Residence,            "            "        "

          Place of Wife's Residence,             "            "        "

      Names of Husband's Parents,         James and Polly Thornhill

            Names of Wife's Parents,          Joseph and Mahala Preas

            Occupation of Husband,            Carpenter


                    Given under my hand this 17th day of September 1860

                                                                                           Harvey J Thornhill



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