Miscellaneous Land Transactions

                                  I do NOT have copies of these documents.  Some of these were found by Melissa Foutz

                           who graciously shared the information with us.  If you have any information you would

                           like to share with the Preas Family, please e-mail it to jrpreas@suddenlink.net


             Deed Book 21, P. 265, Date 5-26-1836:  Henry Baker & Thomas Priest & Mathias O'Bryan;To Joseph Preas;

        In Trust one third of above lands and personal property, do that Henry's wife would have her dower, if Henry should die.

          Deed Book 27, P. 179, Date 10-10-1844: William Baker from Joseph Preas 16 acres waters of Glade Creek.

            (This was part of the 173 acres that Preas was holding for the benefit of Rebecca (Preas) Baker who is now dead. 

            Rebecca's children were William Baker: Harriet Basham, Elizabeth Fouts: and Rhoda Blankenship .   

            (Comment: I am reasonably certain that the 16 acres should read 61 acres)

          Deed Book 27, P. 181. Date 10-16-1844: Elizabeth (Baker) Fouts from Joseph Preas; 61 acres waters of Glade Creek;

            her share in Rebecca (Preas) Baker's 173 acres.


        SURVEY RECORD BOOK 1542, Page 48; Date 10-15-1844, Division of Lands of Rebecca (Preas) Baker; deceased,

        among her children (1) William Baker 61 acres, part of 173 acres on waters of Glade Creek; (2) Nathan Basham (& Harriet)

        61 acres part of 173 acres on Glade Creek(s). William Fouts & (Elizabeth) 61 acres part of 173 acres and part of 126 acres;

        (4) Rhoda Blankenship 58 and three eights acres. (This tract was in Bedford County and was Rebecca (Preas) Baker's

        share of her mother Elizabeth Preas Lands). Land was on the waters of Goose Creek.  The 173 acre tract was the one

        bought by Henry Baker.


                                       Deeds of Preas Members 1789 to 1900

                       Information found by Researcher hired by Ellyn W. Preas

                                       Number to left is the Deed Book Number and Page

        Deed Books


            8-270--------10-28-1789 - William Preast, of South Carolina, to George Sinkler, Power of Attorney,

                                                    to convey 2 tracts to Elizabeth Preast.  **Have transcribed copy**

            8-271--------2-22-1790 - William Preast, by his Attorney, to Elizabeth Preast, 500 acres on Bore Auger Creek, ---  

                                                   ** Have copy of Originial – also transcribed**

         10-139 ------1-25-1796 - Joseph Preas from Joseph Wright, Attorney for the Echols heirs, 303 acres on Bore Auger Creek. 

                                                 This was first sold to George Rusher, who assigned it to said Preas - ** Have copy of Originial – also transcribed**

          11-646 ------10-12-1802 - Joseph Preas from Richard Brown, wife Sarah, 70 acres at the foot of Flat Top Mountain, --

         12-189 ----2-21-1807 - Joseph Preas, wife Sarah, to George Bendy, 303 acres on Beaver Dam Creek.

                                                   ** Have copy of Originial – also transcribed – same as above 10-139**

         12-189 ----2-21-1807 - Joseph Preas, wife Sarah, to George Bandy, 95 acres, on north east side Weavers Knob.            

                                               ** Have copy of Originial – also transcribed**

         12-370 ----7-25-1808 - Thomas Preas from Wm. Simmons, at al, 170 acres on Waters of Bore Auger Creek.

         13-851 ----6-28-1813 - Thomas Preas --- date of the earliest bond as a Constable.

         15-56 ----- 3-20-1814 - Thomas Preas --- date of his two land surveys; 13 and 133 acres.  ** Have copy of Originial 133 Acres – also transcribed**

         15-132 --- 11-20-1816 - Joseph Preas from John Taylor, 15 acres on waters of Wolf Creek adjoining land of said Preas.

         16-386 --- 2-26-1821 - Joseph Preas from John Tate, at al, -- date of a bond to insure Joseph against any loss in the settlement of Estate of Samuel Tate.

         17-228 --- 6-24-1822 - Thomas Preas, Attorney for Thomas Eads, to James Powell, 110 acres on Goose Creek.

         17-242 --- 7-13-1822 - Thomas Preas from John Tracey, et ux, 64 acrew on waters of Bore Auger Creek, adjoining said Preas.

         22-495 --- 9-12-1831 - Elizabeth Preas, Israel Preas, & John Preas, all being grandchildren of Elizabeth Preas, deceased, and all of Breckenridge

                                                County, KY., to Thomas Preas, all their interest in the Personal and real estate of said Elizabeth Preas, deceased.

                                                  **Have Transcribed Copy**

         22-452 --- 10-14-1831 - Joseph Preas MORTGAGED to Thomas Preston, Personal Property & his 85 acre home place.

         23-208 --- 6-16-1832 - Thomas Preas Jr., from William Sents, wife Ruth, of Franklin Co. all their interest in estate of Elizabeth Preas, deceased.

         25-82 --- 12-1-1834 - Thomas Preas Jr. from Sheriff George D. Davis, 162 & 14  acres

         25-118 --- 10-22-1835 - William Preas, wife Polly (formerly Polly Baker), of Boone County, KY., to John Baker, Power of Attorney, to receive and

                                                   Convey 120 acres of the Baker land on Wolf Creek.

         25-120 --- 11-10-1835 - William Preas, wife Polly, by Attorney, to Thomas C. Christian, 120 acres on Wolf Creek.

         25-219 --- 1-1-1836 - Thomas Preas, Ex. Of Walrond, to William McGeorge, 160 acres on Beaverdam Creek.

         25-244 --- 1-1-1836 - Thomas Preas, Ex. Of Walrond, to Jinny Walrond, 138 1/2 acres on Beaverdam Creek.

         25-302 --- 5-11-1836 - Thomas Preas Jr. from Joseph Ellis, wife Elizabeth (formerly Elizabeth Preas), of Wythe County, Va., 53 1/2 acres, being his

                                                will share in in land of Elizabeth Preas, deceased, on north side Bore Auger Creek.

         29-550 --- 12-19-1845 - Thomas Preas from Rhoda Blankenship, of Franklin Co., Va., 58 acres at High Knob Mountain.  Being her share in her

                                                mother, Rebecca Baker's share in land of Elizabeth Preas, deceased.

         33-366 --- 11-4-1847 - Thomas Preas Jr. from Joseph Preas Sr., 60 1/4 acres on Bore Auger Creek adjoining lands of said Thomas Preas Jr.,

                                                Sally Preas, Thomas Preas Sr., et al.


                                                      Land                      Pictures                 Site Listing