PATSEY PREAST AND PHILLIP PENDLETON - 1807

        Know all men by these presents that we, Phillip Pendleton and Thomas Preas are held firmly bound unto

        Wm. A. Cabele esq. governor or chief magistrate of the commonwealth of Virginia to the true payment which

        bind myself, my heirs and our seals dated this 14th day of March 1807.


        The condition of this above obligation is such that whereas there is marriage shortly intended to be had and

        solemnized between the above bound, Phillip Pendleton and Patsey Preast.


        Now of these shall be unlawful cause to obstruct the said marriage then the above obligation to be void else to

        remain in full force and virtue.


                Teste                          Phillip Pendleton   (S)                  Thomas Preas        (S)


        The Clerk of Bedford will be pleased to issue license for Philip Pendleton to be married to

        my daughter Patsey Preast.

                                Teste                                 Margaret Preas

                               Thomas Preas                          March 13, 1807

                               Mace Hanes


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