MARRIAGE LICENSE of Sarah J. Candler & William H. Trent - 1877

                    Virginia, Bedford County, to wit:

             To any Person Licensed to Celebrate Marriages: You are hereby authorized to join together in the Holy State of 

              Matrimony, according to the rites and ceremonies of your Church or religious denomination, and the laws of the 

              Commonwealth of Virginia, Wm H. Trent and Sarah J. Candler

                        Given under my hand, as clerk of the County Court of Bedford this 5th day of December 1877. 

                                                                                    Ro. S. Quarles    Clerk


                                                  Certificate to obtain a marriage license

                       to be annexed to the License, required by Acts passed 15 March 1861, and February 27th,  1866.


                                 Time of Marriage,             Dec 12th 1877

                                Place of Marriage,              Bedford Co Va

              Full Names of Parties Married,             Wm H. Trent and Sarah J. Candler

                                                  Color,             White

                                  Age of Husband,              22 years

                                        Age of Wife,              31   "

                         Condition of Husband,              single

                               Condition of Wife,              widowed

                     Place of Husband's birth,               Franklin Co Va

                           Place of Wife's birth,               Bedford Co Va

            Place of Husband's Residence,                     "       "     "

                   Place of Wife's Residence,                    "       "      "

               Names of Husband's Parents,               Tom and A Trent

                     Names of Wife's Parents,               Mahalia Preas

                       Occupation of Husband,               Farmer


                               Given under my hand this 5th day of December 1877

                                                        Ro. S. Quarles    Clerk


                                         Minister's Return of Marriage 

                 I certify, That on the 12 day of December 1877 at Mahala Preas I united in Marriage the above-named 

                   and described parties, under authority of the annexed License.           

                                                                                                         G. Wheeler



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