Indenture - 1831

                           Thomas Preas Jr. Purchased Land

                      willed to Elizabeth, Israel & John Preas

                                            This was transcribed as the document was written, spelling errors and all.

                        I have a copy of the scanned original, if you wish a copy please e-mail me at


                 To } Deed


        This Indenture made this 12th day of September 1831 between Elizabeth Preast Israel Preas & John Preas

        of Breckenridge County & state of Kentucky of the one party & Thomas Preas of Bedford County and State

        of Virginia of the other part witnesseth that wereas the above named Elizabeth Preas, Israel Preas, & John

        Preas, are grand- children & heirs of Elizabeth Preas (non) deceased late of Bedford County & State of

        Virginia and as her heirs are entitled to a part, for and in consideration of the sum seventy five dollars current

        money to us in hand paid by the above named Thomas Preas the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge

        have granted bargained & sold and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, alien, convey & confirm unto him

        the said Thomas Preas heirs and assigns forefeit all our right title claim & interest to the whole of the estate both

        real and personal of which the said Elizabeth Preas late of Bedford county in the state of Virginia died (susid) &

        possessed of let our claim to said estate be what it may both in (lan) & equity with its appurtenances.  To have

        and to hold the same to the only proper use & benefit of him the said Thomas Preas his heirs & assigned forever. 

        And they the said party of the first part do hereby convenant to warrant & forever defend the same to the said

        Thomas Preas his heirs & from the claim of them the party of the first part their heirs and claims but will not

        warrant farther. It being the intention here of to convey all our interest in that estate but without any recourse or

        liability on us or our heirs.  In testem any where of the party of the first part have hereto set their hands & seals

        the date first written.
                    Witness                                                       Elizabeth X (her mark) Preast  (SS)

                    Burnett Horsely                                         Israel   X (his mark) Preas     (SS)

                    Peyton Thornhill                                       John  X  (his mark) Preas         (SS)


        State of Kentucky to wit.  I Io Allen clerk of the County Court of Breckinridge County in the State aforesaid do

        certify that this day before me the within indenturewas proved to be the act and deed of the within named

        Elizabeth Pries by the oaths of Burnett Horseley and Peyton Thornhill witnesses thereto and at the same have the

        within indenture was duly acknowledged by the with in named Israel Preis and John Preis severally to be their

        act and deed all of which I do certify to the Court of Bedford County in the state of Virginia there to be recorded. 


        In testimony where of I have herunto set my had & affixed the seal of the said Court this 12th day of September 1831

        and in the 40th year of Commonwealth.     Io. Allen (SEAL)

        State of Kentucky Brackenridge County (sct.)  I James Barclay presiding Justice of the County Court of said County

        do certify that the above attestation of I Allen Clerk of said Court is in due form & by the proper officer.  Given under

        my hand this 19th day of September 1831.               James Barclay

        Bedford Clerks Office December 6th 1831.  This Indenture of bargain and sale and together with the certificate of

        acknowledgement hereto annexed was produced in the Office admitted to record.  Teste  Rac. Mitchell C.B.C.


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