Preas Births In Bedford County, Virginia

                            Information found by a Researcher hired by Ellen W. Preas Birth Books

                                              (Birth Information NOT kept before 1853 - many mistakes and omissions)


7-6-1853 -     Elizabeth Preas born to Joseph & Mahala

8-?-1853 -     Henry F. Preas  born to William H. & Mary Jane

8-23-1854 -   John Henry Preas  born to Henry & Elizabeth

7-?-1855 -     John R. Preas   born to William H. & Mary Jane

10-12-1855,   (female) Preas  born to Joseph & Mahalla

9-?-1856 -     Celia F. Preas  born to Henry & Elizabeth

7-2-1857 -  Albirta & Dora Preas (twins)  born to William H. & Mary J.

4-?-1858 -     Tripena J. Preas  born to  Henry & Elizabeth

10-?-1858 -   Joel R. Preas    born to Joseph & Mahala

7-1-1861 -    James C. Preas  born to William H. & Mary J.

12-?-1866 -   Sarah V. Preas  born to ------ & Susan Preas

10-?-1867 -   Anna J.R. Preas  born to William H. & Mary J.

1-6-1870 -    Jennie Belle Preas   born to William N. & Mary Jane

3-10-1870 -  Robert L. Preas     born to William W. & Eliza A.

10-26-1871 -Ann E. Preas    born to John H. & Eliza S.

8-2-1872 -    Lucy A. Preas   born to William W. & Eliza A.

6-6-1872 -    (female) Preas  born to William H. & Mary J.

3-8-1873 -    Walter E. Preas   born to John H. & Eliza

2-?-1875 -    Annie Florence Preas  born to William W. & Eliza A.

4-?-1876 -    Howard Preas   born to William H. & Mary Jane

10-24-1876 - McHenry Preas   born to John H. & Eliza

9-20-1878 -  Joseph B. Preas   born to John H. & Eliza

1-15-1881 -  James R. Preas   born to George & Betsie A.

6-16-1881 -  Mary C. Preas   born to William B. & Wilie O.

12-3-1881 -  Olivio G. Preas  born to Thomas P. & Ann H.

5-15-1882 -  Delilah H. Preas  born to John W. & Harriet A.

5-18-1882 -  Robert F. Preas   born to John W. & Harriet A.

6-9-1883 -   John H. Preas    born to William P. & Willie O.

7-14-1883 -  William Young Preas    born to Thomas P. & Ann H.

7-22-1885 -  Almon M. Preas    born to Nat. T. & Sallie

6-17-1885 -  Lizzie E. Preas   born to William B. & Willie O.

6-5-1887 -    Florence E. Preas   born to Thomas P. & Ann P.

5-1-1888 -    Mary L. Preas   born to J. C. & Fannie J.

11-15-1888 -McDaniel Preas  born to N. T. & Sallie

6-16-1888 -  William Howard Preas born to William B. & Willie O.

4-12-1889 -  Judah I. Preas     born to Thomas & Ann H.

9-1-1890 -    Ernest L. Preas   born to George H. & Elizabeth A.

4-3-1893 -    H. R. (male) Preas   born to J. R. & Huella

12-17-1894 - (male) Preas    born to J. R. & Ellen

4-2-1895 -    Norbon E. Preas    born to N. R. & Sallie F.

1-22-1896 -  Adrian B. Preas   born to Thomas P. & Anna H.

9-10-1896 -  Pearl Preas      born to J. C. & Fannie   


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