Application of Soldier, Sailor or Marine for a Pension.


I, William J. Foutz, a native of the State of Virginia, and now a citizen of Virginia, resident at [New?] in the County (or city) of Bedford in said State of Virginia, and who was a soldier from the State of Virginia, in the war between the United States and the Confederate States, do hereby apply for aid under the act of the General Assembly entitled “An act to give aid to soldiers, sailors, and marines of Virginia, maimed or disabled in the war between the States, and to the widows of Virginia soldiers, sailors, and marines who lost their lives in said war in the military service.”  And I do solemnly swear that, while in the discharge of my duty in the service of the Confederate States, as a member of Company B., 58th Virginia Regiment on or about the 8th day of May 1862, I was wounded in the battle of McDowell and that from the effects of such wound I was disabled, as follows: by gunshot wound through the face breaking jaw bone and that by reason of such wound and disability I am now entitled to receive, under said Act, the sum of fifteen dollars annually.  I further swear that I do not hold any national, State, or county office which pays me in salary or fees over three hundred dollars per annum; nor have I an income from any other source which amounts to three hundred dollars; nor do I own in my own right, nor does my wife own, property of the assessed value of more than one thousand dollars; nor do I receive aid or a pension from any other State or from the United States; and that I am not an inmate of any soldier’s home.

            I do further swear that the answers given to the following questions are true:

            1st.  What is the applicant’s age?     Ans.  56 years

            2nd.  In what battle or combat, or under what circumstances was the applicant wounded?  Ans.  In Battle of McDowells, May 8th 1862.

            3rd.  What was the precise nature of the wound received?  Ans.  Gunshot wound entering front part of face above mouth, shattering teeth, breaking jawbone & rendering neck stiff.

            4th.  What limb, if any, did applicant lose by reason of said wound?  What eye, if any, did he lose?

                        Ans.  None

            5th.  If no limb or eye was so lost, what is the precise nature of the disability occasioned thereby?

                        Ans.  Weakens the neck & shoulders; the jaw is broken so that the applicant cannot masticate food properly & is very weak from the effect of the wound. 

            6th.  Is it total?             Ans.  No

(a)    Is it Partial? And, if so, to what extent does it disable him from manual labor? 

Ans.  Yes, disables him from all hard labor.  Cannot do half the work that he could before wounded.

Given under my hand this 23rd day of April 1888.      Wm. J. “X” Foutz  -  witness – Jams H. Quarles

            I, W. Davis, Judge of the County Court for the County of Bedford do certify that Wm. J. Foutz, whose name is signed to the foregoing application, personally appeared before me in open court, and, having the said application read and fully explained to him, as well as the statements and answers therein made, he the said Wm. J. Foutz made oath before me that the said statements and answers are true.

            Given under my hand this 1 day of May 1888 – M. Davis

VIRGINIA:  County of Bedford, to-wit:

I, M. Davis, Judge of the County Court for the County of Bedford, do certify that I have carefully enquired and examined into, and am fully satisfied from the evidence adduced before me that each and all of the facts set forth in the within application are true; that the applicant is the identical person named in the application; that the application is for these reasons approved, and is therefore certified that William J. Foutz is entitled to receive annually from the State of Virginia the sum of Fifteen dollars.  Given under my hand this 1st day of May 1888 – M. Davis


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