Confederate Pension Application for W.W. Preas


At Bedford County Court, April 26th, 1900.

Upon the application of William W. Prease, a Soldier in the service of the confederate States during the late war between the States for aid under a special Vet of assembly approved March 7th, 1900, entitled "An Act for the relief of William W. Prease an Ex Confederate Soldier, the Court proceeded to examine into the condition of the said William w. Prease and being satisfied from evidence adduced that the said William W. Preas was a Confederate Soldier, a member of the Company H, 34th, Virginia Regiment, that he was true and loyal to Virginia and that while in the active discharge of his duty in the service of the Confederate States in the Battle of Seven Pines on the 30th day of May 1862, he was wounded in the side and in the arm, from which wound he has become paralyzed and is helpless and without means of support and should receive aid from Virginia, the Court doth therefore order that the above facts be certified to the Auditor of Public Accounts in accordance with the said Act of the General Assembly of Virginia approved march 7th, 1900.

A Copy-Test:

S.M. Bolling, C.B.C.

Pensioner’s Post Office:

Smyrna, Bedford Co., Va.

**This entire document was handwritten and dated March 7th, 1900


Bedford Co. No. 298


County of Bedford, TO-WIT:

I, Calloway Brown, Judge of the County Court for the County of Bedford, do certify that I have carefully enquired and examined into, and am fully satisfied from the evidence adduced before me that each and all of the facts set forth in the within application are true; that the applicant is the identical person named in the application; that the application is for these reasons approved, and is therefore certified that William W. Preas is entitled to receive annually from the State of Virginia the sum of fifteen dollars


Given under my hand this 30th day of June, 1897.

Calloway Brown

(?) 15 (?) a date

Facts certified to not indicate disability equal to that which would be considered loss of a limb

Disallowed (?d)

**Things that were handwritten are in "Italics"


Please fill in Name of Pensioner, County, and Postoffice Address



Bedford County, No 329 (?)

Name Wm W. Prease

Postoffice Smyrna

Paid Warrant No. 2666

________________________, 189…


Spl.(?) Mar 7 1900(?) p 1201


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