Muster Rolls of

                           W.W. Preas


** Roll #1 - W. W. Preas - Pvt. - Capt. C. C. Otey's Co., 4th Reg't Va. Heavy Art'y.
Appears on Company Muster Roll for March & Apl, 1862 - dated April 30, 1862.
Enlisted: When: Aug 12, 186? - Where: Staunton - By whom: Maj Harman - period: 1 year
Last Paid: By whom: Capt Hutter - To what time: Feb 28, 186? - Present or Absent: Present

** Roll #2 - W. W. Preas - Pvt. - Capt. C. C. Otey's Co., 4th Reg't Va. Heavy Art'y.
Appears on Company Muster Roll for May & June, 1862 - dated June 30, 1862.
Enlisted: When: Aug 12, 186? - Where: Staunton - By whom: Maj Harman - period: 1 year
Last Paid: By whom: Capt Hutter - To what time: Apl 30, 186? - Present or Absent: Present

** Roll #3 - W. W. Preas - Pvt. - Co. H, 4th Reg't Va. Heavy Art'y.
Appears on Company Muster Roll for July & Aug, 1862 - dated Aug 31, 1862.
Enlisted: When: May 14, 186? - Where: Long Bridge - By whom: Capt. Taylor - Period: War
Last Paid: By whom: Capt Fellers - To what time: June 30, 186? - Present or Absent: Present

** Roll #4 - W. W. Preas - Pvt. - Co. H, 4th Reg't Va. Heavy Art'y.
Appears on Company Muster Roll for Sept & Oct, 1862 - dated Oct 31, 1862.
Enlisted: When: May 14, 186? - Where: Long Bridge - By whom: Capt. Taylor - Period: War
Last Paid: By whom: Capt Fellers - To what time: Aug 31, 186? - Present or Absent: Present

** Roll #5 - W. W. Preas - Pvt. - Co. H, 34th Reg't Va. Inf.
Appears on Company Muster Roll for Nov & Dec, 1862 - dated Dec 31, 1862.
Enlisted: When: May 14, 186? - Where: Long Bridge - By whom: Capt. Taylor - Period: War
Last Paid: By whom: Capt Fellers - To what time: Oct 31, 186? - Present or Absent: Present
Remarks: Detailed in Brigade QM Dept as Carpenter Nov & Dec 1862.

** Roll #6 - W. W. Preas - Pvt. - Co. H, 34th Reg't Va. Inf.
Appears on Company Muster Roll for Jan & Feb, 1863 - dated Feb 28, 1863.
Enlisted: When: May 14, 186? - Where: Long Bridge - By whom: Capt. Taylor - Period: War
Last Paid: By whom: Capt Fellers - To what time: Dec 31, 186? - Present or Absent: Present

** Roll #7 - W. W. Preas - Pvt. - Co. H, 34th Reg't Va. Inf.
Appears on Company Muster Roll for March & Apl, 1863 - dated May 14, 1863.
Enlisted: When: May 14, 186? - Where: Long Bridge - By whom: Capt. Taylor - Period: War
Last Paid: By whom: Capt Fellers - To what time: Feb 28, 1863 - Present or Absent: Present

** Roll #8 - W. W. Preas - Pvt. - Co. H, 34th Reg't Va. Heavy Art'y.
Appears on Company Muster Roll for May & June, 1863 - dated June 28, 1863.
Enlisted: When: May 14, 186? - Where: Long Bridge - By whom: Capt. Taylor - Period: War
Last Paid: By whom: Capt Fellers - To what time: Apl 30, 186? - Present or Absent: Present

** Roll #9 - W. W. Preas - Pvt. - Co. H, 4th Reg't Va. Heavy Art'y.
Appears on Company Muster Roll for July & Aug, 1863 - dated Aug 31, 1863.
Enlisted: When: May 14, 1862 - Where: Long Bridge - By whom: Capt. Taylor - Period: War
Last Paid: By whom: Capt Fellers - To what time: June 30, 186? - Present or Absent: Absent
Remarks: Sick in Camp *See remarks on Record of Events Card

** Roll #10 - W. W. Preas - Pvt. - Co. H, 4th Reg't Va. Heavy Art'y.
Appears on Company Muster Roll for Sept & Oct, 1863 - Not dated.
Enlisted: When: May 14, 1862 - Where: Long Bridge - By whom: Capt. Taylor - Period: War
Last Paid: By whom: Capt Fellers - To what time: Aug 31, 1863 - Present or Absent: Present

** Roll #11 - W. W. Preas - Pvt. - Co. H, 4th Reg't Va. Heavy Art'y.
Appears on Company Muster Roll for Nov & Dec, 1863 - dated Dec 31, 1863.
Enlisted: When: May 14, 1862 - Where: Long Bridge - By whom: Capt. Taylor - Period: War
Last Paid: By whom: Capt Fellers - To what time: Oct 31, 1863 - Present or Absent: Present

** Roll #12 - W. W. Preas - Pvt. - Co. H, 34th Reg't Va. Inf.
Appears on Company Muster Roll for Feb 29 to Apl 1, 1864 - dated Apl 1, 1864.
Enlisted: When: May 14, 1862 - Where: Long Bridge - By whom: Capt. Taylor - Period: War
Remarks: Detailed in QM Dept as Wheelwright since Feb 1, 1864.

** Roll #13 - W. W. Preas - Pvt. - Co. H, 34th Reg't Va. Inf.
Appears on Company Muster Roll for May & June 1864 - dated June 30, 1864.
Enlisted: When: May 14, 1862 - Where: Long Bridge - By whom: Capt. Taylor - Period: War
Last Paid: By whom: Capt Fellers - To what time: Dec 31, 1863 - Present or Absent: Absent
Remarks: Wounded on the 20 May at Clays Farm.

** Roll #14 - W. W. Preas - Pvt. - Co. H, 34th Reg't Va. Inf.
Appears on Company Muster Roll for Apl 30 to Aug 31, 1864 - Not dated.
Enlisted: When: May 14, 1862 - Where: Long Bridge - By whom: Capt. Taylor - Period: War
Last Paid: By whom: Capt Fellers - To what time: Oct 31, 1863 - Present or Absent: Present

** Roll #15 - W. W. Preas - Pvt. - Co. H, 34th Reg't Va. Inf.
Appears on Company Muster Roll for Sept & Oct, 1864 - Dated Oct. 30, 1864.
Enlisted: When: May 14, 1862 - Where: Long Bridge - By whom: Capt. Taylor - Period: War
Last Paid: By whom: Capt Houston - To what time: June 30, 1864 - Present or Absent: Present

** Roll #16 - W. W. Preas - Pvt. - Co. H, 34th Reg't Va. Inf.
Receipt Roll -- for clothing, of the organization named above, for 4th QM (?), 1864.
Date of issue: Nov 25, 1864

List of Prisoners of War
34th Virginia -- W. W. Priec t - B, Bo. H, 34 Virginia Regiment. Appears on a LIST of Prisoners of War, belonging to the Army of Northern Virginia, who have been this day surrendered by General Robert E. Lee, C.S.A., Commanding said Army, to Lieut. Genl. U.S. Grant, commanding Armies of the United States. Paroled at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, April 9, 1865.
List Dated Hd. Qrs. Johnson's Div., April 10, 1865.


Brief History of this Unit: The 4th Regiment Virginia Heavy Artillery was organized by S. O. No. 112, A. & I G. o., dated May 15, 1862, to serve either as artillery or infantry and it was assigned to duty as infantry by S. O. No. 118, A. & I. G. O., dated May 23, 1862. Prior to the formation of this regiment some of the companies were mustered as of a proposed 4th Regiment of Artillery, C. S. A., which never completed its organization. Captain Norton's Company was attached to this regiment from May 15, 1862, to June 21, 1862, when it became Company D, 18th Battalion Virginia Heaby rtillery. The regiment was designated the 34th Regiment Virginia Infantry by S.O. No. 56, A. & I. G. O., dated March 8, 1864


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