Welcome to RevCop's
little corner of the Internet!


After more than a year's absence, the RevCop Web Page
has returned to the internet following some minor
but necessary tweaking and tuning.
In the days to come, we have more than
a year's worth of content to be added!

Be sure to check back often to see what's new.

Welcome to RevCop's little corner of the Internet. Here, you'll find some of the more valuable photos of RevCop at his best! You'll find photos here that were submitted by some of Jerry's most dearest and trusted friends, and others that were contributed by total strangers. And when you see Jerry again, be sure to tell him you were here!

Also, be sure to click on the link for the Choudrant Rye Grass page. It's located at the bottom of this page.

Without further ado, scroll down the page to see what's going on with Jerry and what he does best......

Jerry is such a great guy, always going out of his way to help others in their times of need. Here we find him off somewhere in a far away place with is hero, DP, helping with logistics and production issues pertaining to the country music industry.

On May 24, 2010, our beloved RevCop was the guest of honor at a surprise, although belated, birthday party. Rev was given a birthday cake, his own personal box of chocolate covered Krispy Kreme donuts and an autographed photo of some of his fans.

Rev won't disclose his age to anyone, although we did hear the numbers "39" and "44" mentioned a time or two. The latter, however, may have been his waist size.

Caught AGAIN

Once again, our sources have dug into the RevCop archives and found some interesting items that we know Jerry would want to share with all of his friends. This time, we've gone back to Jerry's high school days. Please join him in a brief walk down memory lane!

BEFORE the days of hot dogs and Krispy Kreme Donuts

Apparently Jerry's graduating class went on one of those senior trips the year that Jerry graduated from high school. Well, we've uncovered a few memorable snapshots from that trip.

Here, we're sure Jerry and his pals are watching the activities of a group of sea gulls, or maybe they're checking out the natural artistic beauty of a piece of driftwood

And of course no trip to the beach would be complete without a sun tan!

Stay tuned for more exciting news as we continue Jerry's walk down memory lane!

After months, if not years of exciting, eventful activities that have occurred at RevCop's residence, he finally has taken a defensive stance. No more record rye grass crops; no more downed spy satellites; no more pink flamingo invasions. That's right ... RevCop now has a security system. But this is no cheap old system... this one actually has a bite to it. That's right, RevCop is now protected by a mean, nasty, highly trained ATTACK PIG!!!

Spy satellite lands in Choudrant

The doomed communications and spy satellite that fell from orbit and returned to earth this week apparently missed its expected mark. Although the U. S. Military made careful plans to shoot down the satellite over the Pacific Ocean, there was apparently a miscalculation of the actual speed and trajectory of the satellite. As a result, instead of returning to earth somewhere north of Hawaii, the satellite, known as "USA193" found its way to the home of our very own RevCop in Choudrant, Louisiana.

These photos were taken shortly after the dead satellite struck the earth.

The following photos were taken during the daylight hours on the morning following USA193's return to earth. RevCop is certainly extremely fortunate that this large, intricate piece of space-age technology didn't strike his home or automobile.

RevCop has made it to the silver screen!!

This photo was displayed on the "big screen" at the Brad Paisley concert in Bossier City on November 1, 2007. A number of loyal revcop fans sent us several different copies of the photo via email for us to include on this web site. We noticed that RevCop, along with his friend and neighbor Bill "Firehose" Sanderson were doing what they do best when the photo was taken. We're not sure who the guy in the red shirt is.

Jerry, Jerry, Jerry.........

We know you are trying to get a head start on your grass cutting this spring, but.......

We really don't think these guys are going to be much help. Maybe you should try a goat!


Most people would be happy to have ONE dessert with their meal!

Jerry doing what he does best!

On a recent trip to South Louisiana, RevCop wanted everyone to believe that he was doing his civic duty by escorting the local high school football team to a playoff game. But, as usual, we at RevCop Central have learned the REAL reason for his trip!!

Check our candid photographs and you, too, will know what he was up to.

And last, but definitely not least, RevCop was caught investigating a "suspicious vehicle" at a convenience store in Vicksburg, Mississippi while still searching for that illusive hot dog.

Stay tuned for future updates.....

Here's the photo we've all been waiting for!!!

As the story goes, Jerry was "picked up" by the local jail & bail police and thrown in the slammer. The initial plan was for Jerry to raise a few dollars in donations for charity and be released. We have an unconfirmed report that he exceeded his goal by a large amount and actually raised a lot of money. However, most of these pledges were made with the stipulation that they keep him in jail!

When asked for a comment on his "arrest", Jerry simply replied "Feed me!"


from the files of the Choudrant Gazette

We have just learned that our fearless RevCop recently saved one of his neighbors from a vicious creature found in the neighbor's garage. According to sources, as RevCop returned home late one night from his duties protecting the local citizens, he detected an opened garage door at the neighbor's residence. Sensing that this was not normal, he bravely went to investigate. Sources tell us that as RevCop entered the garage, he encounter this vicious creature. With a flashlight in one hand and his weapon in the other, RevCop was able to hold the creature at bay until he could rescue his neighbor, who happened to be sleeping and had forgotten to close the garage door. The Choudrant community is extremely fortunate to have such a brave and daring guardian to look after them at times when they are the most vulnerable.

Thanks to Jerry's extensive training and experience, he quickly recognized that this was no ordinary creature, but was in fact a dangerous species known by its scientific name: Bootus Cleaneus. A normal lay citizen might have just assumed that this creature was just a harmless boot cleaner.

Sources tell us that Choudrant Mayor Bill "the streak" Sanderson has already begun preparations for a proclamation naming RevCop as the official town hero.

In July of 2006, RevCop and his crew trekked down to Florida for a little vacation. He thought he did this without our knowledge, but our sources are just too good. While in Florida, our sources tell us that RevCop made an attempt to slip onto the Space Shuttle Atlantis with all intentions to become a stowaway on its mission to the International Space Station. There were three things that the RevCop didn't count on: 1) our better-than-he-expected sources, 2) Hurricane Ernesto, and 3) there are no doughnuts or hot dogs on the International Space Station.

Our sources captured the fearless RevCop as he attempted to carry out his mission.

Our sources also confirmed that with the first flash of lightning from Ernesto, our fearless RevCop beat a path back to the safe confines of Choudrant, Louisiana, thus putting an end the RevCop space odyssey. Our citizens of Choudrant can rest again knowing that their reluctant space traveler has returned home.

Several days later, as the Space Shuttle Atlantis made its successful voyage into the unknown, one of Jerry's most loyal and trusted fans was captured looking skyward. She, like most of us, thought that our reluctant space traveler, Mr Revcop, was on board….. Those of us here at RevCop International certainly hope she wasn't too disappointed when she found out he missed the ship.

Isn't this an impressive profile???
And here's that intense look again.

We always knew Jerry was quite talented, especially when it comes to food. One of our sources apparently caught him recently with his new invention. I wonder how many of these he plans to share?

Jerry proudly served as emcee at Temple Baptist Church's 9th annual Patriotic Program.

WHAT????? Jerry teaching a Methodist Church group about calories?????

But then again, who would know more about calories than .....


Only Jerry would travel almost
1,100 miles to "landscape" someone's yard, only
to get caught before he could finish the job.
Here, "DP" holds the RevCop at gunpoint
after catching his "friend the RevCop" trying to
manicure his front lawn!!


Sources tell us Jerry put away about 15 pounds
of genuine Louisiana Crawfish at the time
this photo was taken!

This man certainly won't starve to death any time soon!!!

One morning in early February, Jerry awoke
to find these strange objects embedded in his front yard.....

These pieces of "debris" are reported to be large,
melted, charred chunks of metal. Could this possibly
be some sort of space debris discarded by aliens?

And now, almost a month later, the mystery has surfaced again,
this time on the roof of his house!

What could this strange phenomenon be?????

Here we find Jerry handling some of our rowdy crowds
during the 2003 annual Louisiana Peach Festival.

Rev appears to be in deep thought over something here.
Perhaps he's spotted some criminal activity taking place,
or maybe it's just a local hot dog vendor.

"Okay, bud, keep it movin'!"

Maybe Jerry needs to explain this one.

If he's gonna have his picture taken with a beautiful lady,
you'd think he'd at least smile a little!!

That orange hat would probably go a long way
toward keep the sun off Jerry while he mows his grass!!
But on the other hand, after looking at the next photo,
maybe it's not the hat he's interested in!

Recognize anyone here?????
Jerry claims all of this was for a good cause.....

A recent discovery of a long lost document might well serve as an explanation for some of Jerry's dressing habits. Maybe, just maybe, he picked up these unusual habits from a very good source. It seems that Jerry's fearless community leader, his mentor, the one person he truly idolizes, may be the very one that started this "fad". Once you see this historic photograph and recognize its subject, then maybe you'll understand Jerry just a little bit better.

Click Here to see this astonishing
newly discovered old photograph!

This photo deserves a really good caption. A few of Jerry's friends made these suggestions.

"Heck with the diet, Bay Watch was Canceled"

"Will work for food"

"Help! It's stuck!"

"Just doin' my job"

"Give it to Jerry, he'll eat anything!"

"Mikey likes it!"

"Look, Mom, I can eat, even with my eyes closed!"

"Boy this fork tastes good!"

"Will clean plates for free. Call: 1-800-FOOD"

And here's a few more photos just for fun...

Finger Lickin' Good

Good to the Last Drop

Head Lifeguard at Lake Choudrant
(Hide your eyes, ladies!!!!!)

We don't really know what's going on here, so you'll just
have to ask RevCop yourself. We'd be curious to hear his explanation,
though. It's gotta be good.

And before you leave, be sure to check out Jerry's Choudrant Rye Grass Page...